Community Status Updates

iGee → lindaism
^_^~ thanks ,some of the visitors who they came to my page both said like yours ^^ , just look at my nickname and you can know that I am a big fan of Apple ^^

lindaism → iGee
haha thank you! I like your username iGee ^^ very creative. gee gee gee gee~

iGee → lindaism
hi there ~ , it's nice to see you too :) , your content page was really impressive to me :)

sarangJ → iGee
happy birhtday to you too....
sorry i'm late
but i was out for last 5 days....
happy belated bithday to you
sorry i'm late
but i was out for last 5 days....
happy belated bithday to you

JiN_Ga_I → iGee
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Thanks for wishing me a happy birthday~ i wana wish u a Happy belated birthday too~ sorry.. too busy.. no time to go on9.. >< so now u are my oppa!!! hehe~

pubsquash → iGee
Aw dude, i missed you birthday. Happy belated birthday! I'm gonna find cake and post it in the Viet thread later xD

iGee → takes2totaengoo
say hello to the one who shares the same birthday with me ^^~ happy birthday to you , best wishes

iGee → Jane Hur
say hello to the one who shares the same birthday with me ^^~ happy birthday to you , best wishes