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snsdtaeng → _Spoon_
I was right...Been to your LJ before...
But anyways,You are still an awesome author!!!!!^_^
Mar 08 2011 03:54 AM
But anyways,You are still an awesome author!!!!!^_^
snsdtaeng → qiqi98
Nope???Arh...In the heart yes lah...
My mom was also impressed!!!!I SHOULD GIVE YOU A BIGGER,AND BIGGER present for your birthday...^_^How was your day after school???
Mar 08 2011 03:52 AM
My mom was also impressed!!!!I SHOULD GIVE YOU A BIGGER,AND BIGGER present for your birthday...^_^How was your day after school???
snsdtaeng → _Spoon_
Wait a mimute...You have a LJ?Didn't know pm me the link!I was actually just guessing that you had an LJ in the comment...Didn't really knew you had one...I might have been to your LJ before,just that i did not know that that is your LJ...^_^
Mar 08 2011 12:03 AM
snsdtaeng → skychoco
Hey!!!!Your favourite member is Tiffany???
She is my 2nd favouriite...Taeyeon is my 1st...thx for visiting my page!!!
Mar 07 2011 08:02 PM
She is my 2nd favouriite...Taeyeon is my 1st...thx for visiting my page!!!
snsdtaeng → qiqi98
long meh???You can read one-shots mah...
Like Taeny one-shots collection...
I read that A LOT of times...Nice right???That's why I LOVE reading fanfics...
What pairing you read???Taeny,Taengsic or Yoonyul?
Mar 07 2011 04:30 AM
Like Taeny one-shots collection...
I read that A LOT of times...Nice right???That's why I LOVE reading fanfics...
What pairing you read???Taeny,Taengsic or Yoonyul?
snsdtaeng → qiqi98
No...I don't think i know????
Wasn't in the right mind?What were you thinking of at that time?
Mar 05 2011 06:47 PM
Wasn't in the right mind?What were you thinking of at that time?