Community Status Updates

soshi.kandy → Riizzka_YulSicTaeNy
SORRY FOR THE SPAM EVERYONE, but SNSD is currently SEVENTH place in the general ranking for the GDA awards, please help by voting at, follow the tutorial here ^^ SOSHI HWAITING....and please help spread the words, we need all the SONEs possible to push SNSD towards the place they deserve :))

soshi.kandy → Riizzka_YulSicTaeNy
SORRY FOR THE SPAM EVERYONE, but SNSD is currently SEVENTH place in the general ranking for the GDA awards, please help by voting at, follow the tutorial here ^^ SOSHI HWAITING....and please help spread the words, we need all the SONEs possible to push SNSD towards the place they deserve :))

vanya93 → Riizzka_YulSicTaeNy
hello i'm vanya, please watch my dance cover of The Boys here:
thank you :)
thank you :)

always_yoona_angel → Riizzka_YulSicTaeNy
I´m so sorry that I reply so lateee :( First I was absent from Soshified and then I was back but I was busy and couldn´t reply to all comments. I´m really sorry :(
I will reply now to your comment :
Thank you ;) Nice to meet you too!
I will reply now to your comment :
Thank you ;) Nice to meet you too!

♥jessica♥ → Riizzka_YulSicTaeNy
unnie sorry if i replied late and my name is marianne ^^ how 'bout yours unnie?

Riizzka_YulSicTaeNy → ♥jessica♥
hi dongsaeng :) me too . I hope too .
btw , what is your name ?
btw , what is your name ?

Taenyri → Riizzka_YulSicTaeNy
Saudi Arabia! and I guss you from Indonesia right ? :)

meysone9 → Riizzka_YulSicTaeNy
haha,aq ga tau klo km comment,keke ^^
tmnmu bny bgt yak,klh sy ==a
rajin2 post saeng biar bs DL talkshow+varshow soshi :D
tmnmu bny bgt yak,klh sy ==a
rajin2 post saeng biar bs DL talkshow+varshow soshi :D

♥jessica♥ → Riizzka_YulSicTaeNy
hi unnie *bows 90 degrees* hope we can be good friends and i can be a good dongsaeng