Community Status Updates

Momo Kola → twistedhalo04
Happy Birthday!!
Hope you have a good one
Stop by sbox sometime
Hope you have a good one
Stop by sbox sometime

Momo Kola → Definition
Happy Birthday!!
Hope you have a good one
Stop by sbox sometime
Hope you have a good one
Stop by sbox sometime

Momo Kola → sunnysunshine
Happy Birthday!!
Hope you have a good one
Stop by sbox sometime
Hope you have a good one
Stop by sbox sometime

Momo Kola → Nici
Welcome to soshified @^_^@
hope you have a fun time here and drop by sbox once in a while
hope you have a fun time here and drop by sbox once in a while

Momo Kola → O-O Kimchi Cindy
Welcome to soshified
hope you have a good time up here and stop by sbox once in a while
hope you have a good time up here and stop by sbox once in a while