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i have such a deep love for these girls it's hard to come to grips with the reality that they can't be there forever. although tiffany and the girls realize that they can't be girls forever, even when we're all old and grey.. they'll always be my girls. i'll always look back on kpop and this generation as being the best generation, my generation, girls' generation's generation.
May 30 2011 07:23 PM


reading Justice by Michael Sandel.. can't help think psychologists and philosophers, all those social pundits got it all wrong.. they just need to find what makes a person tick. keep all your gold and your green peices of paper, the value of my life is cheap.. just give me kim taeyeon and i would happily die atleast one lifetime for her. i know i know, it's asking for too much. :p
May 26 2011 05:01 PM


I just saw it. The colors don't really match and I've never seen a Michigan sweatshirt look like that but it certainly has our block M!
Mar 27 2011 08:31 PM


have you seen the latest video release of come to play yet? ya think that's a U of M sweater taeyeon has on? :D
Mar 27 2011 07:20 PM


Thanks for the good luck on the exam. I did take it a while ago but I have another exam in 2 weeks.
Mar 10 2011 09:47 PM


hello! good luck on your calc 4 exam that you probably took like 4 weeks ago... xD you must be pretty smart, i remember barely making it through calc 2. :p anyways... aja aja hwaiting!
Mar 09 2011 04:13 PM