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Kei.Sica → applered
Wrote SG Sone because I'm studying in SG now la, I'm not Singaporian ^^~

tipco09 → applered
You are welcome. BTW is you want fics that will make your stomach ache with laughter,try Caffole's fics like Gallimaufry. Pillow talk is my favorite because Fany is so hilarious. Since you're Fany biased, I think you'll like it. For excellent Taenysic,try Bionic's Fic. I think 2 more chapters and its finished. Chalez's funny and hot TaeNy stories on LJ are also good.

shojie → applered
Hi.. if you want TaeNy fic, I recommend the #1 for me, Looking for Angels by Pandine and their Desperate Ex-housewives, then works of Maeumi like Let's Start from here part 1 and 2, then her on-going Ignis Fatus(?), Sing for Me by Skylit, Traffic Thinking, and works by Readeroflots..^^

tipco09 → applered
Hi! Off hand, I can recommend Looking for Angels by Pandine, Traffic Thinking by Peppermintmuffin for starters. There are a lot more but these two are great. If you want short ones, Underground love by Shiroempathy and the works of Readeroflots.

Iwen → applered
I will go home for a month at the end of August then I need to come back here again.

applered → Iwen
I think SSF allow chinese character .. just that my "han yu pin yin" is super "lan" ..T.T .. how long will u be at US ?