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Skippgirl design 9

I'll teach you something :). When someone who is a muslim, greets you with salamun alaikum, it is fard to reply back with wa alaykumusalam ^~^. :). Yes there are some schools here in the philippines that teaches Al-Qur'an :). I know one, it is called Mahad Al-Qur'an wal Hadith :). How about there my younger sister jona :)?
Sep 01 2011 03:38 PM

girl design 9Skipp

no it's okey
I'm study the Quran in school So learn how to read and Save verses
In Indonesia, I have heard that you have schools teach the Quran ,is this true?
Sep 01 2011 06:33 AM

Skippgirl design 9

Salamun Alaikum sis :). I am sorry for my late reply Jona :) Your english skill is fine with me already :). And most of the words I know are from the Qur'an :). How often do you study the Qur'an :)?
Sep 01 2011 05:02 AM

girl design 9Fan #1

3leena we 3leek
we anta b5eer
Aug 29 2011 12:29 PM

Fan #1girl design 9

kulu A'am wa antie bekhair~~
Aug 29 2011 11:51 AM

girl design 9Skipp

so sorry but my english is not really good I still learn it So I can't express well
WOW You know many words It's from the Quran ,right?
Thank you and nice to meet you
Aug 29 2011 10:10 AM

Skippgirl design 9

Eid Al-Fitr Al-Mubarrak sis :).
Aug 29 2011 08:12 AM

Skippgirl design 9

Your message was undone it was cut my young sister :). Ok then I will call you by that name then :). All I know about Mecca is through stories and pictures :). I know some arabic words but I think it is not enough yet :). I know some, like As Sham, An Najm, Al Qamar, Jamila, Kitab, etc. ^~^.
Aug 29 2011 12:34 AM

girl design 9Skipp

my name is wajan but call me jona I love your name It's like my father's name and the name of the Prophet peace be upon him
Unfortunately I have not heard anything about Sadain
in makkah I'm really comfortable
I hope you come to makkah soon to feel this comfort
I hope that Allah accepts your works good
What are the Arabic words that you know?
I know s...
Aug 28 2011 12:13 PM

Skippgirl design 9

About the topic's content, thank you for reading it thorougly, I hope anyone who reads it will comprehend what I mean, verily I was trying to make the content as pure as I can. I want to let the girls know the religion Islam we can't leave them, if we love them, I do not know if I will be successful, without any help coming from Allah there will be no success.
Aug 28 2011 10:33 AM

Skippgirl design 9

Knowing you is a great Favor to consider from Allah :). I hope we will get to know each other and support each other for Allah's cause :). I have not visited Mecca yet, I hope to Allah, soon I will be :). After finishing my studies I might have the chance to visit you in Mecca, if Allah Wills :). We are not that financialy capable family :). But we thank Allah for what we have :).
Aug 28 2011 10:20 AM

Skippgirl design 9

You will teach me arabic :D. Alhamdulillah! :). So happy :D. I will, if I do not know some :). My sister how should I call you, I know you have a beautiful name :), indeed I do not want to call you by Girl Design 9 :). My name is Mohammad Nur Sadain Langa, if you have heard a Sadain or Langa family, it might be that they are my relatives :). Almost all of my family and relatives works at KSA :).
Aug 28 2011 10:06 AM