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it's time to move to a new one that can handle more people at once. It's as simple as that.
Jul 12 2009 11:18 PM


Well I'm allowed to have my opinion and it's not bitter. I'm just stating things as they are. The fact of matter is even the "new" server can't handle more than 15-20 ppl at a time which is just plain sad since this is supposed to be the #1 SNSD place of course there's going to be more than 15-20 ppl online at a time and if a server can't handle that many ppl talkin
Jul 12 2009 11:17 PM


i'm not sure but I think they transitioned to a new server. yeah, their old one crashed when the new mv came out. but so far, I haven't noticed much lag with the new server. i think ed is doing a pretty good job considering that its voluntary and unpaid. hae-rim...such bitterness and negativity! how shocking! rofl ^^
Jul 12 2009 06:51 PM


They should just suck it up and get a new server instead of trying to stay on a crappy one. Anway, I do have msn and skype from which I do a radio broadcast from time to time. I'll give you the info later. :)
Jul 12 2009 01:29 PM


Well I think the new rule is stupid and as i said before it segregates people. And the main reason why they're doing it is bc the sucky server they use can't handle many ppl at once.
Jul 12 2009 01:27 PM


oh, that's so sad... I was in sbox when soy and the mods were discussing it. they did it cuz too many newbies were harassing other members in sbox. but I don't think the new rule has stopped newbies from being annoying in sbox. they just spam 10 posts and then start spamming sbox. are you on msn/skype or another forum then?
Jul 11 2009 12:10 PM


that or not, that is what is happening right now and they are losing potential new and current members, myself included, because of such absurdities.
Jul 11 2009 08:45 AM


I'm around, but sadly with the new limit set to sbox (needing to have a minimum of at least 10 posts in order to chat), I can't be bothered to come back unless it's removed.
I don't like posting in forums in general; and I think it's silly and absurd for soshified to make the group segregated into new members and old members. Whether they intend
Jul 11 2009 08:43 AM


my fav dj!
thanks grace!
Jul 06 2009 07:59 PM


hae-rim, where are you? I so miss you. please come online sometime. sorry if you're busy with stuff.
Jul 06 2009 07:28 PM


hello fellow canadian... I'm from vancouver! ssf jjang!
Jul 01 2009 08:00 PM

haruna onovictorau

wow thx for reading, and i have a cancer buddy >.< (that sounds wrong), anyways remember to leave comments, just tell me if you want to be in the pm list
Jun 22 2009 11:51 PM

victorauharuna ono

Hi! I read one of your fanfics and decided to check out your profile. I'm a cancer too... this was cool description. I think I need to watch out for the pitfalls of being a cancer. but it describes me pretty well.
Jun 22 2009 11:42 PM


Hi pheeb, i'm from Vancouver! Yes, the other side of Canada. did you really tell soy that you would sub ssgb if we asked you nicely enough and often enough?
Jun 21 2009 10:47 PM


Thanks for the letter for Isak <3
Jun 18 2009 04:46 AM