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faithnotesnsd9 → jenoula_96
Greek? You live in Greece? Another Greek Sone?
Sorry for question bombing but i see -Greece- i get all excited :)
Sorry for question bombing but i see -Greece- i get all excited :)
yoona-yah → faithnotesnsd9
polu xairomai otan gnwrizw greek sones!!! kserw polla atoma pou ts aresei i kpop alla sts perissoterous dn aresoun oi snsd h ts aresoun sugekrimena tragoudia kai dn einai fan :< btw exoume forum se periptwsi pou dn to ksereis einai gia ola ta groups kai exoume panw apo 200 meli
faithnotesnsd9 → yoona-yah
Another greek Sone? Pwpw, 8a klapsw :P This is great! Hi by the way :)
faithnotesnsd9 → serina19
Oops, i used greek characters. My bad :P.
It's suppose to say "Hi, my name is Sarah." Uh, den 8ymamai to ypoloipo ;P Anyway, nice to uhm, meet you.
It's suppose to say "Hi, my name is Sarah." Uh, den 8ymamai to ypoloipo ;P Anyway, nice to uhm, meet you.
faithnotesnsd9 → serina19
????, ?? ???? ???? ??? ???? ?? comment ??? ??? ?????? ???.
Are you a greek Sone? Sorry, dn ida to comment sou epd dn eixa internet gia poly kairo :S Anyway, WOW! Xairomai pou SNSD exei kai allous fan ektos apo mena edw stin Ellada :D. (Sorry gia to greeklish mou :P)
Are you a greek Sone? Sorry, dn ida to comment sou epd dn eixa internet gia poly kairo :S Anyway, WOW! Xairomai pou SNSD exei kai allous fan ektos apo mena edw stin Ellada :D. (Sorry gia to greeklish mou :P)
serina19 → faithnotesnsd9
poios tha to fantazotan pws den eimai i moni SONE apo tin ellada!