Community Status Updates

xYULSIC → darkenbaby
I can't really confirm with you right now , but definitely after May 30 then i'll be free to meet up.

xYULSIC → darkenbaby
The whole of the coming week quite difficult for me cause i've got lessons till 5+ every day hmmm...

xYULSIC → darkenbaby
Hmmm , the next coming 2 weeks i'll be very busy. What about after that ?

xYULSIC → darkenbaby
Perfect , i'm a red liner too ! Alright let's set a date. Are you okay with this coming Saturday at around 2PM ?

xYULSIC → darkenbaby
Hmmm , alright , how do we go about doing the trade ? Which line do you stay near to ? Green , Red , Purple or circle ? :D