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Holly → FrozenArctic
wo bu dong pu tong hua. why you teaching me?? D: wo bu xiang xue!!! D:

FrozenArctic → Holly
hahaha ni bu ke yi "hao guan xi". That doesn't make sense XD "you guan xi" makes more sense!

Holly → FrozenArctic
I wanted to write more, but my Chinese vocab was too limited, and you might go... huhhhhhhh?? again lolllll

FrozenArctic → Holly
Ni hao Holly! Wo shi Michelle. Hen gao xing ren shi ni!
Qing bu yao luan zai wo de profile shang xie dong xi. Xie xie.
Qing bu yao luan zai wo de profile shang xie dong xi. Xie xie.

Holly → Hyo-Tae
I try to have a life, but the success rate is quite low. lol Well, everything does come back to Girls' Generation somehow. xD

Hyo-Tae → Holly
Do you really have one (life outside SSF) ? hehe, just kidding. But I seriously think that all of us here (especially staffs) devoted our life only for the girls. :)
haha, I sound very exaggerated
haha, I sound very exaggerated

Holly → Hyo-Tae
I can't be omnipotent. lol I can only be on for so long, must have a life outside of SSF or else people might suspect that I have none. xD