The moderators of the Soshified forums are happy to announce that Soshified will be organizing a Manito game! You may remember the Manito game as something Girls’ Generation has done several times in the past, most recently on “Channel Girls’ Generation”. In Soshified’s version, each participating member will be given the name of a person for whom they will send either a physical or digital present. Each participant’s name will also be given to another person from whom they will receive a gift.
To participate, provide the following information in a personal message to either MasterAdept or takenine.
1. Username
2. Preference to send digital or physical; receive digital or physical
Please be clear on whether you want to send digital or receive digital; same for physical. If you only state that you want to send digitally, we will assume you are fine with receiving both digital and physical presents.3. Mailing Address (Optional)
If you are fine with receiving/want to receive something physical4. Email Address (Option)
You can choose to receive your digital gift via email or PM, so this is optional too5. Preferences (Optional)
State any preferences with regards to who you want to send to or receive from. Do not suggest names here, but state conditions, because we will not take your username suggestions into consideration. For example, you might want someone nearer to you in terms of Geography if you cannot afford too expensive shipping costs. Also, if you are very uncomfortable with sharing your mailing address with a particular member for whatever reason (should you choose to receive physical presents), please do say so here.6. 3-4 suggestions/interests to give your partner ideas on what to get you
Outright requests will not be passed on.
Please keep in mind the following rules:
1. You MUST be absolutely sure you can participate.
2.You must have been a registered member on Soshified for at least two months prior to 13 November 2015 KST.
3. You must have at least 5 non-spam posts before signing up.
4. Keep your assigned partner’s username a secret; that’s the whole point! It’s a surprise!
5.Try to keep your physical presents within a reasonable range – nothing too cheap (no glue sticks), nothing too expensive (no TVs)
6. No trolling; please be responsible for what you choose to give. Do not send anything you would not want someone you love to receive.
7. Send your digital present by 23 December 2015. If you are sending a physical present, try to plan it such that it reaches the other member by Christmas (see below). The suggested deadline for that is 4 December.
Signups for the Soshified Manito will end at 11:59 PM KST on November 13th. More details and signup information can be found on the forum.
Happy gifting!