TC Candler has released the “Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2013”, which lists Taeyeon, Jessica, Sooyoung, and Yoona. Jessica was the first member of Girls’ Generation to appear on the annual ranking in 2011, placing 45th, and moved up to 5th in 2012, when Taeyeon and Yoona made their first appearances at 42nd and 50th, respectively. This year, Taeyeon, Jessica, and Yoona again are ranked on the top 100 at 9th, 20th, and 71st, respectively, while Sooyoung makes her first appearance on the list at 66th.
The “Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2013” comprises women from 34 countries who are chosen based on grace, elegance, class, poise, joy, promise, and hope, beyond simply aesthetic perfection. The ranking has been published annually since 1990 and recently has received close to 40 million unique visitors from around the world.
Sources: Independent Critics, TC [email protected]
Written by: bhost909@soshified
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Congatulations to taeyon,jessica,sooyoung and yoona for being ranked in the list of “Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2013″
Wow! I’m so proud of them! Keke. Taeyeon’s favorite number is 9.. She ranked 9th .. What a coincidence. Omo! Just saying. Kekeke. :DD
My 9 lovely beuties <3 <3
Everybody has their on preference in judging someone beauty.. Cheer up everyone.. They all in top 10 for us! :D
Congratulations, Beauties!
I hope next year all the 9 be on the list cause they all deserve to be there..^^
These girls will still look gorgeous even while fooling around.
wow how does yoona rank 71 in their book? for me she should be in the top 5 every year.
Yoona should be in top 20, along with Taeyeon and Jessica.
I don’t understand this poll. It just seems wrong (or is it just me?) :)
Taeyeon, Jessica, Tiffany, Sunny, Yuri, Hyoyeon, Seohyun, Sooyoung, Yoona.
ALL beautiful girls!