On July 5th, Girls’ Generation returned to KBS’s “Music Bank” to take part in the program’s special half-year wrap-up episode. During the broadcast, it was announced that Girls’ Generation’s “I Got A Boy” was voted number one for “Best K-Pop Song” by foreign fans. Performing alongside other artists including INFINITE, SISTAR, 4Minute, and many others, Girls’ Generation ended the show with a very special performance of “I Got A Boy” with brand new outfits. Also, during the program’s closing comments, Tiffany expressed her excitement over performing with Girls’ Generation’s seniors and juniors and also wished for fans to continue to show their love and support for Girls’ Generation.
Download Girls’ Generation’s performance of “I Got A Boy” from Soshified’s Video Downloads Section or check it out below.
Source: [email protected]
Written by: kt9823@soshified
Contributor: MoonSoshi9@soshified
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Seohyun unnie look so gorgeous!
Omigod! For me SEOHYUN really stands out here. The Red Chicago Bulls Jersey suited her very well. The color red accentuated her white, flawless skin…like Snow White. LOL.. Seriously, she looks really stunning. I love how the jersey fitted her really well, along with that color navy blue shorts. Its not overly size, like those previous outfit she usually wear. She have shown some sexiness in that outfit somehow…Plus that long straight, dark hair, without bangs….gosh! She’s just killing me! She really looks so gorgeous! I really love how she looks in here in this performance….
Then I was blown with that new Sexy Dance Wave she did in 0:55-0:57…Omo-omo! Thats is way better than the original dance step…it really gave a fresh new look on her…really sexy in a good way….And not to forget the way she moves in 03:15-03:20…the way she turned with that look in her eyes!!! Kyaaaaa! Its really mind blowing!!! =) And Seomates really loves it! =) Really, really loves it!
Then, of course, I wouldnt forget the SeoFany Moments at the start….it was so sweet and so adorkable in many ways…I just love seeing them together like that. Gives me a warm,tender,tingly, happy feeling. The way Tiffany playfully faked-punched Seobaby, and lovingly touched her face…awwww, such a sweet moments that would forever instill in my heart! (cheesy….lol )…Well, I just hope that in every IGAB performance, Tiffany & Seohyun would do some adorkable & sweet moments like this. It is such an eye-treat for everyone…Really. =)
Hey NBA team shirts! Go Celtics Hyoyeon!
Sunny! Hair! ADORABLE! Yesss sunny with longer hair, so happy. She looked great anyway she does it but this hair is great on her :)
Agreed. I like it much better now than the platinum blond look.
They all looked amazing!! SNSD is very quickly becoming my favorite kpop group! SNSD hwaiting!!
Soshi Jjang!! All the girls looked amazing~ YA was so gorgeous!! :)
another amazing performance from our girls!
i just love their outfits..they just look good on it
but Damn ! taeri is just hot with it ..especially yuri
and tifanny looks super hot with the red lipstick!!
anyways, good job girls
I’m so happy to see the girls perform IGAB again. Awesome performance!
Cool with suit but I think must be something more.
thank you foreign fans for voting IGAB as #1 Best Kpop Song. y’all are awesome for that. it’s awesome that it’s foreign fans that voted instead of S.K. residents. SNSD’s popularity is major among kpop foreign fans. maybe they would have gotten #1 too if this was S.K. residents voting, since their fanbase is so huge at home. i’m a proud proud S♥ne. love their outfits, love their performance and it’s totally live and loving their energies and thank you KBS for good sound system. KS♥nes y’all are the best with fanchants. Fany~ah beautiful speech.
thank you SSF for update ♥♥♥
:) LOVED that performance! :) They all looked so happy, it was awesome! ^_^
TAENY<3 AT 1:58 (0.0)
Great ~♥
Everybody so cool cute
SEOHYUN LOOKS SO STUNNING OHMYGOD SAVE ME her white skin *___* seohyun you goddess
Yoona unnie Jjang!!! GG Hwaiting!! :)
Did Taengoo brush her teeth before, or after this performance? LOL AHHHHK. Exactly why I love these girls to bits. :)
Wicked good performance. Comeback tour soon!!!
Ah they sing it live so amazingly!
And all the fan service <3
Is it even possible to love this girls more than I already do?
So excited about this performance and theit win. Let’s go Soshi;)
I really, really like this performance! I think this is the one they’ve shown that they enjoyed it all through out!
SOSHI JJANG! i really love the outfit, especially basketball jerseys wore by sunny and hyo \:D/
p/s: only realized now how much i miss them performing IGAB on music shows huhu
*worn, lol typo
So awesome that I Got A Boy foreign fans’ number one Kpop song for the first half of the year. :)
seohyun looked so pretty in this performance. good job girls, congrats on the #1!