In celebration of Sooyoung’s 24th birthday on February 10th, fans wished her a happy birthday through an advertisement in the daily newspaper. Im, a fan who planned the ad, stated, “There is a Japan concert planned on the 10th, the day of her birthday, but I hope they will let her show a great performance after eating tasty Lunar New Year’s rice cake soup.” He complimented her by adding, “Sooyoung is high and clear like the blue sky, so you feel fresh and cheerful just by looking at her.”
There is also a poem in the birthday dedication, which reads:
“Your beautiful and kind eyes
Your bright and big smile
Your clear and kind mind
Your sky angel soul
From beginning to end
Kind and beautiful
With benevolent and holyness
She will embrace us”
Prior to this, Girls’ Generation fans carried out good deeds through volunteer work in light of Sooyoung’s birthday. It took place on January 27th, at the Sin-ne Sanatorium in Joongrang-gu, Seoul.
Don’t forget to leave a congratulatory message on Sooyoung’s birthday thread.
Source: Newswire via Daum
Translated by: ch0sshi@soshified, 오이사랑싴@soshified
Edited by: taengsoshi@soshified
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Happy Birthday Sooyoung.. Wish u all d’best from the d’Best !!
Happy Birthday Sooyoung!!!!! It’s early, I know, but I hope you best wishes 2 days from now! You’re awesome! :)
Happy birthday Sooyoung!!! Stay health. SNSD FIGHTING!!! <3
Happy Birthday Sooyoung!!! I love you and I hope you have a great year. <333
Happy birthday Sooyoungie~~
Hope you stay healthy as always!
Love from sweden <3
Happy Birthday Sooyoung. Wish today is your best day.
Happy Birthday Sooyoung noona:D Stay healthy and happy.
Happy 24th(korea) Birthday Sooyoung…
Happy Birthday Sooyoung!!!! <3 I wish you the best! Be always healthy and happy! You make my day better and your smile brightens up my mood! Sooyoung Fighting! SNSD FIGHTING! <3
happy birthday sooyoung! i have
never been more aware of a person
who maintains, not only maintains,
but masters a position of such
responsibility…whether it is your
daily routine as a member of society,
executing an amazing performance
as a member of an idol group, or
taking out the time to appreciate
every little thing that your fans do
for you as a human being…you know
exactly what is going on and how to
properly respond to it…there are
adults many years your senior who
should be envious of the professionalism
and care with which you approach
everything that you do…you never
compromise…you never forget…you
know what all those around you and
our loving Lord do for you…and we
know all that you do for us…thank you
for being you sooyoung :-)
happy 24th(23rd) birthday sooyoung unnie!
I hope you all stay together longer :D
Happy Birthday, Sooyoung!!
Happy Birthday Sooyoung
Happy Birthday Sooyoung!!! <3 more careers to come!!!
happy b’day! sooyoung. 10th february is China’s New Year. Wow
Happy birthday, Sooyoung! May the Lord bless you abundantly. Bible verses as a birthday gift for you, Psalm 121:1~8.
To Sooyoung,
Happy Birthday Bible Verse. Philippians 4:5-7
Love in Christ always!
happy birthday Sooyoung.. may god give you the best
Happy Birthday Sooyoung!!! oh my god your 24 now :D
I truly wish Sooyoung a wonderful birthday, She is so lucky she gets to celebrate it with 8 loving sisters. I hope that she does and still continues to pray for each member ’till this very day.
She’ll always be beautiful both inside and out.
Love you Choi Sooyoung. <3
Goddess Soo happy birthday. Sones b-day shout-outs are always the best. Sones are so dedicated and lovely in their support for Sooyoung and Soshi. i hope she have a wonderful bless b-day and celebrate to her hearts content. kamsahamnida SSF for update :)
Is that a Halo? lol she looked like a Saint with it. . Nice
Nice ad for Sooyoung. :)
Wait, wasn’t she born in 1990? Shouldn’t she be 23 years old?
She’s 24 in Korea!
In US standards, yes, but since in Korea, when a baby is born, he or she automatically become one year old in that month say like in October, then after it becomes a new year in January, then that baby will become 2. It’s confusing, that’s for sure, but that’s how it works to my knowledge (if I got that down correctly).