On November 2nd, Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon, Sooyoung, and Seohyun were featured on a episode of “Superstar K4”, the fourth season of a reality TV talent show series. The contestants on the show had been assigned a live stage performance entitled “My Style”, and Taeyeon, Sooyoung, and Seohyun appeared to deliver a related mission, giving them one hour to prepare and sing “Gee” in their own style.
Several teams, each with two groups of contestants, performed their versions of “Gee” in front of the three members of Girls’ Generation, who determined the winners based on who best showed their own unique skills. Taeyeon, Sooyoung, and Seohyun selected the team made up of contestants Roy Kim and Dickpunks as the winner. As Roy Kim and Dickpunks celebrated, Sooyoung commented that they seemed almost as happy as if they had won first place on a live stage.
Taeyeon then gave the winners an envelope, which told the location of a senior artist who would advise them for this week’s live stage “My Style” performance. Finally, all of the contestants shook hands with the three members of Girls’ Generation at the end of the segment.
Check out Taeyeon, Sooyoung, and Seohyun’s appearance on “Superstar K4” below.
Source: [email protected]
Written by: bhost909@soshified
Contributor: minigiglo@soshified
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\o/ glad to see they are on TV KoreaN variety) lol
I mean since they are busy on Japan activity :(
I miss them..
taeyeon looks really cute!
I could watch it over and over with a smile in my face.
It is really fascinating how people react with GG (:
All the groups deserve an applause :3
Shikshin’s gaze melts my heart. <3
Just cuz it’s an eyesore: Seobby! Seobby so cute~~
love all my girls~ let’s keep the soshibond going guys ‘kay?
I’m sure the contestants are happy just by shaking hands with SNSD members :D
so many SOO!~
I love the guys’ priceless reactions when shaking the girls’ hands!! :D oh, and I love how Sooyoung’s eyes were sparkling the whole time <3 :D
Yay ^-^ Taeyeon <3
Wow i didn’t understand what they said but it seems like a contest. Pleasu subs for this hehe, i hope i can learn Korean someday but it’s just so hard.
I’ll never get tired of seeing people going crazy over SNSD, they’re super idols after all.
It’s so cute and funny seeing them spazz out after shaking hands with the girls. XD
i don’t think i’ll ever get bored over seeing people’s reaction when they’re first meeting Soshi members. it’s just pure awesomeness to see the Goddesses can still bring out reactions like that. after hearing each groups rendition of Gee, i also would pick either #2 or #3 as winners. #2 was awesome and #3 was funny as hell at the end with the A,B,D,C,E,F,GEE…. very clever. Aw Soshi laugh too, thank you sirs for making our angels laugh. I also like the very end when the guy ask if he could shake their hands and of course their reactions again is PRICELESS. Soshi are definitely ROYALTY in S.K. and i love it very much. thank you SSF for news update. Keep it up. ♥♥♥
it is always interesting to see how the
girls act as judges…it is an activity that
can give you a pretty accurate idea of
what someone is like as a person…as
many talent judging shows do…and our
girls are very humble…they are silly…
and we all love them for that…but not
a single ounce of arrogance being on
that side of the judging…they know how
hard it is being on the other side…how
much work you can put in and still not
get the recognition you’ve worked so hard
to achieve…that perspective…that humble
viewpoint has been an offset to the arrogance
that comes with being in the idol spotlight…
and has created nine of the most unique
women any of us have ever seen…please
continue to appreciate that…for as long as
it lasts…
Word :)
I bet that there was a inner Soshi fanboy in those men. I am absolutely sure of that
hmm…so Honey G got eliminated? lol spoilers… :D
the guys were so mesmerized by the beauty and charisma of the three girls! :)))
I liked the team that they picked best too. The girls were so gracious to the contestants. (You don’t have to speak Korean to see that. )