On June 2nd, Girls’ Generation – TTS delivered their goodbye-stage performance of “Twinkle” on MBC’s “Show! Music Core”. Their performance was preceded by a special dance performance from Sooyoung to the song “OMG” from the “Twinkle” mini-album. Dressed in a beautiful black dress, Sooyoung performed a sensual and exciting dance, electrifying fans in the audience and those watching worldwide. Afterwards, Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Seohyun, garbed in black, white, and yellow outfits, took to the stage for one last fun and rousing performance of “Twinkle” on “Show! Music Core”.
Sooyoung later took time to leave a message on Girls’ Generation’s official website about her visit to “Show! Music Core”. Written in the style of a fanaccount, she referred to Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Seohyun as “unnies” and complimented their beautiful looks and singing. She also mentioned looking forward to once again meeting fans at SMTOWN Taiwan. The full translated version of Sooyoung’s message can be found in Soshified’s Translated Goodies Section.
Girls’ Generation – TTS will next be performing their goodbye-stage on SBS’s “Inkigayo” tonight. Hyoyeon will be making a special appearance to also perform the song “OMG”.
You can download Girls’ Generation – TTS’s performance of “Twinkle” and Sooyoung’s performance of “OMG” from Soshified’s Video Downloads Section.
Sources: bntnews, Girls’ Generation Official Website
Written by: bhost909@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified
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sooyoung’s performance is so beautiful!
and I guess she gets to go to Taiwan after all..
this time with her agency mates :D
you make me melted here o.o
sooyoung has turned into a very alluring woman.
she now knows how to move, and use those moves to
draw you in. when she dances like that, the only
people in the world are you and sooyoung…and
the other girls put on a fantastic good bye performance,
as expected. and they look so cute in that pic!!!
i hope one day they will sang twinkle not as 3 but as 9. keke
Same wish here!
they are indeed SNSD ♥
sooyoung should be in DWTS too. hehe
we will see you soon on MuCore :) not as 3 but as 9 :’)
TaeTiSeo > vocal trio
Sooyoung and Hyoyeon > dance duo
Sunny, Yoona, Yuri, and Jessice > Quartet Movie blast!!!!!
OMG i’m agree hahaha
congrats, taeyeon tiffany and seohyun hope to see more of all of u in the future but i hope to see all 9members on stage more. sooyoung is so pretty and the same as TTS too. SNSD jjang!
WOW sooyoung so sexy <3.<3
gj taetiseo, i hope snsd makes another comeback soon
btw sooyoung, its ok if your not coming to taiwan, come to montreal instead :(
i will really miss them T_T
TTS jjang !! :)
That dance performance was so cool <3
And that message….
sooyoung’s performance was so awesome o3o
i’ll miss them D: but they did wonderful for the short time they had and it will definitely never be forgotten :3
tts daebak!! <3
YEAH! The performance is so short but still DAEBAK! I really love the attitude & confidence of Sooyoungie! She even got No. 5 Worldwide Trends in Twitter @ the same day because of her awesome performance!…@_@
The way Sooyoung writes is like what we’ll say when we watch their performances. Haha cute! But yeah think i’ll miss TTS so much, now that they are ending their promotions! But there’s paparazzi, so… Haha another thing to look fwd to :)
I will reallyyyyyyy miss them T^T
Daebak TTS♥ *clap clap clap*
Sooyoung unnie was so awesome at that performance, she’s really beautiful :D
SNSD Daebak !!..
wow.. Sooyoung is so beautiful.. TTS jjang.. :)
OMY ~ TaeTiSeo says goodbye :/ I really love their song ‘Twikle’. Everytime I open my PC I always visit YouTube and search for their performances. My day wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t listen their song. TTS ~ so awesome :-) TAEYEON ♥