Girls’ Generation was recently featured on the website for the “Wall Street Journal”, one of the largest newspapers in the United States, with many readers worldwide. An entry posted on the website’s “Scene Asia” blog discussed Girls’ Generation’s appearance on tonight’s “Late Show with David Letterman”, their global popularity, and the recent SMTown concert held in New York.
The Wall Street Journal continued their coverage with a video segment on “Asia Today”, which focused on introducing Girls’ Generation and detailed their popularity worldwide. Unfortunately, the correspondent who was interviewed in the segment portrayed several members of Girls’ Generation as only being singing or dancing specialists. She also incorrectly suggested that the group’s fanbase in Korea was made up of only one gender and age group, namely older males. However, the correspondent accurately stated earlier in the video that Girls’ Generation’s fanbase is spread throughout all age ranges and among both males and females. You can check out the clip below.
Source: Wall Street Journal Blog, Wall Street Journal Online
Written by: bhost909@soshified
Edited by: taengsoshi@soshified, michaelroni@soshified
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Um, this reporter knows absolutely nothing about SNSD! She sucks!!
the reporter should mention soshified as a big fan base..
I think the reporter should ask first if the correspondent really knows SNSD or not.. or maybe he or she just heard abt SNSD.. zzz.. How come the fans is only one gender ? zzz.. I can not understand someone has that kind way of thinking.. zzz..
anyway whatever they said I still like SNSD.. hoho..
I don’t like how the correspondent said about the fan base SONE are all around the world and are all of age rage. I want an apologize.
So 7 of them are just for looks? LOL! :D
Still proud of them though for making it in the US. Fighting!
*one is a great dancer*
My mind goes to Hyoyeon
*one is a great singer*
My mind goes to Taeyeon
(half-expecting her to say something about acting/variety shows/anything else other than what comes next)
*Some are there for their looks*
What, the other 7?! Oh dear…
Would’ve been better if she said ‘some of them are great singers/dancers’ rather than one of each. Or better yet, she should have not said anything like that at all ;)
i dont really like her :/ she made SNSD sound… different
i give that korean reporter 7/10 ….. i mean she says “really really popular” which is really really true then “consists of beautiful girls” which is VERY true…. but shes pisses me off when she says that our fan base “consists of mostly of only older guys” WTH?!!!?? our fan base is based of very age rage possible women!!! i dont think its a bunch of ajusshi… we hav fan crazy ass fans from all gender. n our fan girl lovessss our GG veryyyy much (homo-ly too ;D ) n plus in my opinion BEAUTY IS A TALENT!!!!!!!! cuz not veryone can be that beautiful @_@
That reporter is terrible…
arghhhhaha get yr act tgt wall street journal…anyw….im still gald to see theyre recieving so much attention ^^ wish i couldve been in the us :( always supporting u girls anyw, SNSD fighitng!
snsd rocksssssssssssss
I think they interviewed the wrong reporter..
I don’t really think she knows SNSD fully well..
or maybe she was too nervous?