Girls’ Generation’s Jessica is currently making her drama debut in KBS’s “Wild Romance”, in which she made her first appearance on January 25th. In the drama, Jessica plays the role of Kang Jonghee while actor Lee Dongwook plays the role of Park Moo Yeol. Jessica’s acting is also receiving much praise from fans, as she has portrayed a darker side to her character in the drama.

After performing a kissing scene with Lee Dongwook’s character, Jessica will continue to break fans’ hearts by wearing a wedding dress for an upcoming episode. Jessica commented, “Because it is the first time that I’m wearing a wedding dress onscreen, my heart fluttered and I was really happy.”

Source: StarNews
Written by: LetsGo@soshified
Edited by: SeraphKY@soshified, bhost909@soshified
Contributors: ch0sshi@soshified

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