Girls’ Generation’s Jessica is currently making her drama debut in KBS’s “Wild Romance”, in which she made her first appearance on January 25th. In the drama, Jessica plays the role of Kang Jonghee while actor Lee Dongwook plays the role of Park Moo Yeol. Jessica’s acting is also receiving much praise from fans, as she has portrayed a darker side to her character in the drama.
After performing a kissing scene with Lee Dongwook’s character, Jessica will continue to break fans’ hearts by wearing a wedding dress for an upcoming episode. Jessica commented, “Because it is the first time that I’m wearing a wedding dress onscreen, my heart fluttered and I was really happy.”
Source: StarNews
Written by: LetsGo@soshified
Edited by: SeraphKY@soshified, bhost909@soshified
Contributors: ch0sshi@soshified
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She looks perfect with that dress.
she’s really awesome..^^
She looks so happy wearing the wedding dress. Makes her so beautiful.
Hey guys, that’s my wife? Isn’t she beautiful? XD
She’s breaking fans’ hearts all over again, but then again she has really matured into an actress. Her kiss scenes and all really showed that she’s trying to be serious in acting! not just an idol turned actor, but to be a “real” actress!
Oh, you’re so beautiful Jessica. Unfortunately this is gunna bring more viewers to hate Sica.. :( The americans that watch the drama at least. They’re gunna call her plastic and too skinny agaaaain T___T WHY YOU SO JEALOUS BITCHHHES?! JESSICA IS BEAUTIFUL JUST ADMIT IT. HATE ON JONGHEE, NOT THE ACTRESS WHO PLAYS HER.
iMeiwa i am a american and jessica is my fav out of Girls Generation your generalization of the US populous is insulting to me. Also a large majority of anti fans call her those things like plastic and too skinny are you assuming they are americans because they type in english? Besides all your other ignorant comments i really agree with your first statement Sica looks beautiful in this wedding dress :) snsd Hwaiting!
She looks amazing in that dress!
oh it’s a goddess angel from heaven..<33333
i wanna watch the drama like a crazy!!!!
i love jessica
So pretty :)
wow so beautiful constantly reminding why she is my bias <3 <3 <3 <3
I hate reality.. T_T
prettyyy sica unniee!!~~
When i first saw the image i thought that she was going to get married. i almost Cry xDD.
But it’s just her drama. i love Her. She looks beautiful! As Always :D
haha it say “she’ll continue to break fan’s heart by wearing a wedding dress”
That dress really works on her! i don’t like the big silver bow but the actual dress really shows off her slim figure. I look forward to seeing how the dress will be incorporated into the show
Since Jessica is happy about it we should be happy about it too!
C’mon guys lets not too get butthurt about the kissing scenes xD
Beautiful angel…