A review of the “Girls’ Generation The First Asia Tour: Into The New World DVD” was released a while ago, and following is the review on the individual performances put up during the concert. Even before the concert kicked off in Seoul, fans were already speculating that the concerts would be amazing, and they were no doubt correct. Every single performance put up by the girls was either sizzling hot, adorably cute or jam packed with fun.
As there are too many performances to review, I will only be choosing a few group performances and all the individual performances to go over.
1. Nine Angels
I think that the main idea behind the opening song was really interesting. We’ve always viewed Girls’ Generation as our “Nine Angels”, and the fact that the concert producer used this concept to start the tour off seemed pretty intriguing. I like how the world seems to be void of any living person and then the members of Girls’ Generation start to appear one by one. However, I thought that the CG effects of the statues cracking and showing the members could have been better because it looked too fake in my opinion. Also, almost all nine members had the same pose throughout, and I thought that looked awkward too. Apart from that, the idea of having the members as angels starting from different places and then coming together was pretty good, so I loved the opening. Also, the transition from “Nine Angels” to the introduction to “Tell Me Your Wish” was really exciting because the music managed to get the energy levels soaring, and I, being a Taeganger, got incredibly hyper when Taeyeon was the first one to be introduced.
Performance Rating: 6/9
Song Rating: 8/9
Overall Rating: 7/9
2. Tell Me Your Wish (Rock-Tronic Remix Version)
I thought that this was one of the girls’ best performances ever. The start of the song was thrilling, especially because you first see silhouettes of Girls’ Generation coming out from behind the stairs, but you can’t see their faces. Accompanied by the flashing lights and all that jazz, the opening to “Tell Me Your Wish” really made an impact. “Tell Me Your Wish” is also one of my all-time favorite songs, so I was really happy when they started the concert off with that. I thought that the Rock-Tronic remix was really exciting too with the addition of the dance break, and the moves that they did were fantastic. As usual, there were fireworks right after Tiffany’s “DJ, Put it back on,” and I think that the golden sparkles effect helped to create a stronger impact during the song. All in all, I think that this performance would be one of my top favorites in the whole concert.
Performance Rating: 9/9
Song Rating: 9/9
Overall Rating: 9/9
3. Dear Mom
This is one of my favorite ballads by Girls’ Generation, and their performance during the concert doesn’t disappoint at all. I liked how the five main vocalists were seated on the stairs, and the other four members were standing around at the sides of the stage. However, I felt that they were standing too far into the corners, which resulted in them not getting as much screen time as they deserved, but I suppose it can’t be helped because that’s how the stage was set up. The short clip shown half way through the song was really touching and the emotion that was behind the girls’ singing was amazing.
Performance Rating: 6/9
Song Rating: 7/9
Overall Rating: 6.5/9
4. Over The Rainbow
This is an incredibly cute yet touching performance, and I loved it. The added effect of “angels” Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung and Yoona helping the little girl in the video was very sweet. However, I still wish that Tiffany had been included as one of the singers instead because her voice is amazing. Jessica’s voice during the song was particularly outstanding because I feel that her voice really suits songs like these. Hopefully, we’ll get to hear another song like this by Girls’ Generation the future!
Performance Rating: 7/9
Song Rating: 8/9
Overall Rating: 7.5/9
5. Singing In The Rain
This was, in my opinion, probably the cutest performance of the night. Watching the girls come out out one by one and magically grabbing miniature umbrellas from the screen had me smiling like an idiot in no time. The idea of Girls’ Generation playing innocent girls “singing in the rain” was extremely adorable, and their outfits made everything even cuter. I was glad that each girl had her own color for her coat, and the different colors made the stage look cheerful and bright. The girls made me crack up at the end when all nine of them jumped into a shower of water. This is one performance for which I would demand an encore.
Performance Rating: 8/9
Song Rating: 8/9
Overall Rating: 8/9
6. Beautiful Girls
I really liked this surprise video made by one of SM’s songwriters and producers, Yoo Youngjin. Listening to the wonderful song and watching the video got me thinking about how much Girls’ Generation has matured since their “Into The New World” days. Their transformation from girls who danced in sneakers and miniskirts to ladies who strut down the runway in their designer clothes showed how much Girls’ Generation has learned and improved in the past four years both as a group and individually. My favorite part of the video would have to be when Hyoyeon made her appearance on the runway. Prior to her walking out, all the other members looked cute in their one-pieces. However, Hyoyeon’s appearance was like a slap to the face because she exuded so much charisma and femininity at the same time as opposed to just being cute. This is definitely one of Girls’ Generation’s best music videos in my opinion.
Performance Rating: 7/9
Song Rating: 7/9
Overall Rating: 7/9
7. Complete
I think many people would agree with me that this was probably the most touching moment throughout the three-hour long concert. Watching the girls sing this song with all their heart brought back so many memories of them laughing and struggling together through everything. I will bravely say that I teared up (because I know majority of you out there did too) when all nine of them gathered in a circle and bowed their heads half way through the song. This was a very, very touching moment that showed that the strongest bond in the world is not any covalent or ionic bond, but the SoShi bond. “Complete” was hands down my favorite ballad of the night!
Performance Rating: 7/9
Song Rating: 8/9
Overall Rating: 7.5/9

Where do I begin… Our Kid Leader was astoundingly fantastic. When I heard that Taeyeon had chosen “Hush Hush” as her solo, I was wondering why she chose that song out of all the other better songs out there. But ten seconds into Taeyeon’s solo performance, I stopped questioning Taeyeon’s motives. I already knew how well Taeyeon could sing prior to this, but wow,this song really shows that size doesn’t matter when it comes to singing. Taeyeon’s powerful vocals completely blew me off my feet. The fact that she could hold a note steadily for so long, while dancing at the same time, really showed that Girls’Generation isn’t just about the pretty faces. The outfit that Taeyeon wore was really simple but sexy. I loved how she can be sexy without showing too much skin at the same time.This is a performance that I’ll never get tired off, so fantastic job as usual, Taeyeon!
Performance Rating: 9/9
Song Rating: 9/9
Overall Rating: 9/9
9. Barbie Girl (Jessica featuring SHINee’s Key or Super Junior’s Heechul)
My first reaction wasn’t exactly very positive when I heard that Jessica was going to be performing “Barbie Girl” at the concert. Everyone knows that Jessica is the lead vocalist (not to be confused with Taeyeon who is the main vocalist), and that she can sing a song of more substance, but she still chose to sing Barbie Girl instead. Nevertheless, my curiosity got the better of me and I watched the video too, and I have to admit that it was a really cute performance. Jessica’s outfit was very Barbie-like and the humongous phone was really comical. It wasn’t a performance which left me gawking at Jessica’s singing or dancing ability, but it definitely managed to get the song stuck in my head for the next few days. Key and Heechul’s appearance was also a bonus. I thoroughly enjoyed when Heechul tried to get the crowd going by shouting, “I say Je, you say Sica!”
Performance Rating: 7/9
Song Rating: 5/9
Overall Rating: 6/9
10. Sunny (Sunny)
I had never heard the song “Sunny” prior to watching Sunny’s version of “Sunny”, so I had no impressions of what the song would be like. However, after watching Sunny’s performance, I have to say that I have a pretty good impression of the song. Watching Sunny dance and jump around on the stage while interacting with the fans in her retro-style dress and boots was very entertaining. Her singing wasn’t mind-blowing, but I thought that she still managed to give a very good performance. I was very, very impressed by her back-flip near the end of her performance, and I really hope to see her doing more of that in future performances.
Performance Rating: 8/9
Song Rating: 6/9
Overall Rating: 7/9
11. Umbrella (Tiffany)
I wasn’t a huge fan of Rihanna’s “Umbrella” when it first came out, but Tiffany’s rendition of the song was wonderful. Tiffany has a very unique and husky voice which I simply love and it complemented the song very well. I especially loved the beginning of her performance when she first started off her solo stage with a slow and almost ballad-like version of “Umbrella”. The transition in the song was also nothing short of steaming hot when Tiffany took her hat and coat off to reveal a silver dress underneath. That, apart from Tiffany’s liquid vocals, was the highlight of the whole performance. Of course, Tiffany also danced a little to the song, but I thought that there could have been more steps instead of her walking around the stage and moving to the beat. It is understandable though, because she was in towering heels and a short dress. Regardless, this was a performance that I really enjoyed, and one that I regularly watch.
Performance Rating: 8/9
Song Rating: 9/9
Overall Rating: 8.5/9
12. Dance Break (Hyoyeon)
Hyoyeon’s dancing was really enjoyable to watch for me. I particularly loved her remixed dance of Genie, and the popping that she showed in the beginning of the performance. I liked the choice of songs that she danced to in her solo as well. Her moves were sharp and accentuated, creating a flawless overall dance. I especially like this about her style of dancing. Although I really loved the first part of her solo dance, I wished that she could have looked up at the camera more often. It would’ve been overbearingly hot if she had. I loved the glittery pants that she had on too. Overall, this was a wonderful dance break put up by Girls’ Generation’s “Dancing Queen”.
Performance Rating: 7/9
Song Rating: 7/9
Overall Rating: 7/9
13. 1, 2 Step (Yuri featuring f(x)’s Amber)
I’ve always loved listening to Ciara’s “1, 2 Step”, and watching Yuri dance and sing along to it has made me love it even more. Yuri’s dancing, accompanied by the highly addictive beats, showed off her body and her fluid moves. Her singing was also commendable especially because she was dancing vigorously while doing so, yet her voice did not seem out of breath during the short performance. Yuri’s simple outfit also complemented her dancing well as it gave her a hip-hop feel, and I especially liked the thick chain necklace that she was wearing. I thought Amber’s rapping matched Yuri’s singing well and I thoroughly enjoyed the end when Yuri threw her jacket away. I thought that this was a very good song choice for Yuri, and she gave a great performance.
Performance Rating: 7/9
Song Rating: 8/9
Overall Rating: 7.5/9
14. Santa Baby (Sooyoung)
Honestly, I laughed a little when I first heard Sooyoung sing this catchy Christmas song. It wasn’t her singing that I found so amusing, but rather it was her pronunciation. Despite this, I have to admit that Sooyoung did a very good job of exciting the crowd with her cute yet sexy moves. Although the singing wasn’t up to par, Sooyoung more than made up for it with her extremely adorable dancing and coy winks. I was smiling throughout the performance while watching her dance about, and I really liked how happy she was while entertaining the crowd.
Performance Rating: 6/9
Song Rating: 5/9
Overall Rating: 5.5/9
15. Introduce Me a Good Person (Yoona featuring Super Junior’s Leeteuk and Shindong)
I had never heard this song before, but I liked it the moment I heard Yoona start singing it. Although Yoona isn’t one of the lead vocalists in Girls’ Generation, I thought that her singing wasn’t all that bad. In fact, I enjoyed how natural her replies to Leeteuk and Shindong’s rapping were, and I thought that her rapping was pretty cute too. Her dress was a little extravagant in my opinion, but I suppose it was chosen because it fit the song. Yoona’s interaction with the fans was also something I really enjoyed watching because she seemed so happy to be mixing with them, and I thought that it was really thoughtful of Yoona to want to include her fans in her performance. I did become a little jealous of the fan who was invited onto the stage to take a photo with Yoona by Shindong, but I’m sure that I’m not the only one!
Performance Rating: 7/9
Song Rating: 6/9
Overall Rating: 6.5/9
16. Sixteen Going On Seventeen (Seohyun)
I was quite shocked when Seohyun started off her stage by playing the piano, and what’s more, a classical piece. However, after I got over that, I thought that her piano skills were pretty amazing. When I play the piano, I have trouble memorizing entire songs because I grow bored quickly, so I have to give credit to Seohyun for memorizing the piano piece. Her singing also impressed me, especially her almost perfect pronunciation. Despite the fact that she’s not a native English speaker, her pronunciation of the lyrics was almost perfect and I could make out what she was saying without trouble. Her dancing was also very graceful, and I thought the part where Seohyun kicked her legs in the air as she was carried by a backup dancer added a very nice comical touch to the whole performance.
Performance Rating: 7/9
Song Rating: 7/9
Overall Rating: 7/9
Credits: Tangpa.com, Nicai, sonyeoshidaelife.blogspot.com,
Written by: [email protected]
Contributors: [email protected]
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omg I need to buy this!
I agree with all of your thoughts on this and I am glad that this DVD is worth purchasing! I look forward to having it as a part of my collection! Thanks for such an in depth review
Also – I enjoy hearing Sooyoung’s improved English on newer Santa Baby’s. You can tell she has really been practicing and while there are still some Engrish moments, it’s a big step up from where she was in this first concert.
I agree pretty much with all of your analysis!
Singing in the Rain was really cute. Why I remember that song specifically because of my mom’s reaction or not, it always sticks in my head. Whenever I watch the DVD, my mom always joins me and always questions “How do they do THAT!!??” when the girls pull the umbrellas from the screen. And no matter how many times I explain (what, does she want be to put the DVD in slow-mo so she can see it?), she never gets it. A little humorous, and emphasizes the CUTE in the performance.
Taeyeon’s Hush Hush… That was probably the first song I found when I was browsing through YouTube videos… Amazing. Of course, I watched the Shanghai version of the concert, so, when watching the DVD, my eyes popped out and rolled all over the floor when the guys… touched her. O.O
Sunny’s performance? I always loved acrobatics. Which is why I was soo disappointed when they didn’t include Hyoyeon’s Shanghai performance on the DVD. T.T But I digress. My parents thoroughly enjoyed that song cause it was old, and I thoroughly enjoyed it cause it was Sunny singing. Both sides happy. :)
Sixteen Going on Seventeen… LOVE that song. AND the piano playing. Both my mom and I play the piano, so it was something we both REALLY appreciated. And the song was spectacular. Amazing English from our lovely maknae! ^^
where to begin…
…nin angels may have been my favorite part of the concert. i am always a fan of songs that get you pumped up and the energy created while watching this video, along with the powerful musical tone, was incredible. i don’t see how you could get more excited than you were just as they began “Genie”…
…i agree with your assessment of “Genie” and “Dear Mom”. they were both performances that had a lot of powerful emotions to them. you could feel the girls’ passion as they rocked out then spilled their hearts…
…maybe it’s just my taste, but i found “Beautiful Girls” much more appealing than “Over the Rainbow” or “Singing in the Rain”. The girls were so beautiful and mature in the music video, and he does such a great job serenading them, that you really feel that they have grown into these beautiful women. they are no longer these little girls. i really liked that as opposed to the more girly image they gave in the other two performances…
…i agree with complete. i don’t think there is a song that represents the bond between soshi and sone better than complete…
…taeyeon, tiffany, and yuri outdid their predecessors with their covers of those songs. i much prefer their versions to the original artists…
…i thought yuri’s dancing was great, but hyoyeon, particularly in the intro of her dance routine, took it to a whole nother level. the sharp, distinct movements, so in-sync with the music was jaw-dropping…
…and i was blown away by seohyun’s english. she spoke it better than i could and i’m a native speaker. that was so good!
…great review, agreed with most of it, but even the stuff i didn’t, i understood where you were coming from. looking forward to more in the future!!! :-)
I couldnt agree with you more on this one
but I think they should have practiced and chose better songs for their solo stages