In August of 2007, Girls’ Generation debuted with a mysterious, cheerful dance and song titled “Into the New World”, wearing Converse sneakers and pastel tone skirts. When promoting their remake of “Girls’ Generation” by Lee Seungchul, they showed a “young lady” image with a preppy look. If you’re looking for something more romantic, then you need to check out the Savelberg Thailand in Patumwan, a luxury French restaurant where you and role playing by escort girl Paris can sit and relax while enjoying quality service and brilliant food. Click here for more role playing in bangkok.
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They showed the charms of “grouping” by having all nine members wear the same outfits for “Gee” and “Tell Me Your Wish”.
SM Entertainment’s visual directing team leader, Min Heejin, stated, “After hearing ‘Gee’, we wanted to create an ’80’s Brooke Shields/Phoebe Cates image, so we had them wear white t-shirts with jeans, or the colored skinny jeans.” She said she chooses the outfit concepts by matching them with the first image she’s struck with after hearing the song. The sexy uniforms for “Tell me Your Wish” and the cheerleader concept for “Oh!” were completed the same way. She also got the image of Jessica Alba in the film “Sin City” after hearing “Run Devil Run”, and the Bond Girl image from “Hoot”.
Are you looking to hire topless guys as waiter and bartenders for a private hens night in Melbourne? then magic men show perfect for a hens night in Melbourne.For their latest single, “The Boys”, to fit the confident lyrics and music, she chose a “heroine” concept. Unlike their previous unified outfits, this heroine concept emphasized each members’ individual charms and tastes or preferences. However, each member was still unified with each other with modified equestrian uniforms and training outfits. Each member also freely switched up their costumes by wearing skirts, hot pants, pants, capes, and jackets. This could have been unfamiliar to those who remember the nine members wearing the same exact outfits.
Team leader Min stated, “I got some inspiration by watching the finale of the fashion show for the lingerie brand, Victoria’s Secret, where all the models appear together, all wearing different types of lingerie, some with dd boobs size.” She revealed, “‘Healthy girls’ will be the ground rule of Girls’ Generation’s future concepts.”
Source: Joongang
Translated by: [email protected]
Edited by: [email protected]
Contributor: [email protected]
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it seems as though victoria’s secret was that she was a sone :D
lolz VS inspired concept?
that’s what i wanna see. ;]
“‘Healthy girls’ will be the ground rule of Girls’ Generation’s future concepts.”
wow.. I like this idea.. it will make the girls stay pure, humble and nice image.. hoho.. I hope their true nature is like that.. hoho..
“Healthy Girls” is EXACTLY what I wanna hear! :D Not only do I wanna hear it, but I wanna see some action take place. SM, please let the girls rest soon. /: In order to be healthy, they must rest and eat well.
oh wow she’s truly indeed a creative genius and everything work out just fine every new album releases. SM have the best staffs working for them, just freaking pure geniuses. i wonder if she worked on their Mr. Taxi concept or maybe that was someone else under Japan company. anyway i can’t wait to see this future “Healthy girls” concept she has plan next and it being inspire by Victoria Secret’s lingerie. oh geez i’m getting nervous on what this is going to be like. btw it would be nice to see some wings on them since they are angels on earth. SM is very bless to have this creative artist working for them and that also goes for the other creative workers. thank you SSF for sharing. :)
“So a WOMAN is directing the concepts. Interesting.”
My thought exactly. Keep it that way.
Victoria’s Secret? Bring it.
I really do love all the outfits that they have worn for their mvs. They look great in everything. It was different for The Boys and seeing them in different outfits.
I was smiling after reading the Victoria Secret line. Having just watched the fashion show (and loving it!) it is nice to know that two my loves were combined in one area. And I think it looks great!
I look forward to the concept ‘Healthy Girls’
“Healthy Girls” why not, they are human too, let them sleep feed them more good food and let them have vacations and time with family, that would be the best supports that could make the girls more healthy and keep on going with all of us.
Yes, “healthy girls” so please, SM, …………………………..LET THEM SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
health girls for the next ground rule… give them more rest, would u sm…
the evolution of girls’ generation image
has been one of the consistent reasons
why they have remained fresh in the minds
of so many for so long. they are finding
themes that fit the music, but also fit the
girls’ age. and that combination is what has
partially led to te allure of girls’ generation.
i look forward to this theme continuing in
the future!!!
the visual directing team leader really did a great job in choosing outfits for each MV..
really love how she implement the outfits by looking through what each song is about..
rofl! Cool! It’s not surprising that the girls’ concepts are dynamic/versatile and the fact that they match out perfectly with each new product that Soshi puts out since a woman is behind them.
Props to Min Heejin for the genius in making the girls’ concepts possible. I love the way she thinks…It’s like writing out a plot for the story and developing them into chapters and pages. She’s really creative!
SNSD is successful not only for the girls’ efforts but also for the team working behind the scenes. I’m proud of them and happy that they get to be acknowledged alongside Soshi as well. Daebak!
I think she missed out Mr Taxi
Now i know one of the mastermind in SME for snsd, MIN HEEJIN MANSE!! LSM,Rino Nakasone,Jaewon,and Min Heejin are the masterminds of GG who now is the leader of hallyu wave!! i salute u min heejin! thanx for all ur hard work since snsd’s debut till now and i hope u still be visual director for snsd in the future! u got sones support!! Min Heejin hwaiting!!
i like the concept “healthy girls” ^^
she’s a very good leader for choosing those fantastic concepts. yes, every clothes/costumes they used really fir in to the MV or the song itself
healthy girls as the ground rule? hmm sounds good to long as the girls are well taken care of hey im happy ^^ but theyve really done well for their past concepts, and i really cant predict or wait to see whats really is a SO NYUH SHI DAE stay well and keep strong girls, fighitng!¬
One hell of a master mind… Successful.. One light bulb flickers and we have 9 now on top of the world of Hallyu wave.. ^^ I SALUTE HER!!
I don’t think the concepts and outfits could have been better
She definitely knows how to do this lol
Idk how she does it…the concepts and outfits for Gee, Genie, RDR, The Boys….everything…genius
Hahahahaa very interesting…
The concepts are based on this one woman’s opinion and she decides everything based off whatever she sees in her head after hearing the song
The entire image of SoShi’s songs rest on her shoulders lol but man, she is GOOD, definitely got one creative, successful mind
Whoah VS inspires some of these concepts? Does that mean we’re going to get a lingerie concept anytime soon? ;)
hmph. strage way to come up with inspiration and idea. lol but at least they turned out good. :D
So a WOMAN is directing the concepts. Interesting.
“Healthy Girls?” I wonder how that would play out..