Judging from the praise that Tiffany has been receiving, her performance in “Fame” must have been wonderful. Tiffany is playing the role of Carmen Diaz, a girl who is obsessed with achieving fame and will stop at nothing to attain it. The other cast members include Super Junior’s Eunhyuk who plays Tyrone Jackson, as well CSJH’s Lina.

More photos of Tiffany performing at “Fame” can be found here!
Credits: http://news.nate.com
Written by: [email protected]
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Tiffany you go baby girl, so proud of you sweet heart. Work hard all the time. I hope you are getting the rest and staying health and please don’t over work yourself. Glad you getting great reviews on your debut, I wish I could attend. Ah she look so sexy in the outfit. Angel full of passion, can see it in her entire body the way she gets deep down in the role of Carmen Diaz. Fany fighting <3! Thank you SSF! :)
hot hot hot
Good luck to my baby! ♥ I’m glad she’s enjoying this and putting all her effort into her role, but I hope she still remembers to take care of herself. /:
That final picture, with her hair in her face and the look of pure ecstasy – I love it! You can really see how much she is devoting to her role. No holding back for Fany!
She looks amazing! Hwaiting!
go tiffany daebak..
the Red colour really suit her!~
she’s looks…hmm…sexy in red? hehe..
and I really excited about this musical, hope this gonna be air on TV and Soshified will Subs..(will you?)
Tiffany, SONEs always behind you, keep fighting! God Bless Fany!!
I’msure her musical will be a big successful one!
Fany look awesome.
How I wish I can watch this..
Fany hwaiting! :)
Yay.!! I knew she would totally shine there, as any of our girls would have :D my only regret is that I won’t be able to watch the reaal thing! D: anyway, gd job tiff, SNSD fighting!
i want to see it
i want to see it
goodluck Tiffany!!!! more blessings to come!
i think was very happy in this. this one of her dreams to play in a musical show. XD go tiff!
Oh how I wish I can see this |x
OMG! TIFFANY soo proud of you and why you soo pretty!
I wish I could see it! :D
OMO~ Fany so pretty!
I wish i could see it!
We’re so proud of you, Fany!
OHMYGOSH! I love her outfit, but I love Tiffany more~ xD
People that live in South Korea don’t know how lucky they are to have the opportunity to watch this! I wish I could go :(
With that said, Tiffany looks gorgeous
i wish i could see this so badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m sure the performance was great.
Tiffany, we are all so proud of you!
You put forth the utmost effort in
Everything you do and this is no
Different! I am so excited to see
This in whatever means I can!!!