On November 23rd, Girls’ Generation’s official US website has opened, girlsgenerationusa.com.
The official Girls’ Generation Twitter account tweeted, “Watch the world premiere of the new English version of the “Boys” music video: http://www.girlsgenerationusa.com!” Recently, the English version of “The Boys” was made available on Girls’ Generation’s VEVO channel on Youtube.
In addition to being able to watch the music video, the website has a biography of the group, detailing their debut in 2007 and their wildly successful expansion into Japan, as well as the numerous prestigious awards they have won like the Grand Prize at the Golden Disk Awards in 2009 and 2010. Also, all of the teaser images of each member are available in the photos section.
Girls’ Generation is gearing up for the worldwide release of their maxi single through their record label, Interscope, and it is expected to be well received by fans all over the world.
Source: @GirlsGeneration, GirlsGenerationUSA
Written by: [email protected]
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looks cool! :)
congratulation girls’ generation.. keep up the good work.. with this english website, I hope the world will know them better.. hoho..
When I got the tweet about this I was crazy happy! I just hope the site stays up and well taken care of even when the girls are not here. Interscope can rally make or break the girls with how they promote them. This website is a HUGE chance for them to show how much they will promote.
ahh this is so cool :D i’m so proud of our girls ^.^ i hope they become more successful internationally <3
can is till join though im not from u.s.?
Badly designed website. Can’t believe Interscope as an international brand did a lousier job than Asian-Standard SM Entertainment
wow, the are really worldwide now..so proud of them!!
SNSD is getting well known outside Korea for sure…
now that they have an official US website, whats next? :D
Woh.. their own US site.
Looks nice but as usual its heavy.
Having a hard time loading the site but its worth it. :D
Hoping for a good reception from the public in the States when the maxi single is release. :)
awesome I hope SM’ll update the news of Girls’ Generation in English frequently. Thanks for sharing. ^^ And soon SNSD prepare to let the full album in USA. I’m so excited. Fighting SNSD.
someone told sm to work together with google so that when ‘snsd’ or ‘girls generation’ is used as a search term, this new website to be the first choice
I prefer the wikipedia entry for the Girls’ Generation remained as the first returned result. After all, I support freedom of knowledge
Google search results are algorithmically generated and they don’t allow companies to buy positions in them. If SM wants the website to be the first result, they have to work to make it a site people visit and link to. Or they can be lazy and buy an ad for those keywords, but since people tend to gloss over or block ads it will probably not help much.
Cool, their very own US website ~
SNSD fighting !
lol this is too exciting news to read about our girls maxi single coming soon, VEVO channel and now their very own U.S. web page. Gosh I’m so proud of them and so so happy for them. It’s about time Interscope being active now, they were quiet for a while there. I want their maxi single for my Christmas present so please Interscope or SM whichever please just release in time for Christmas. I want this to do well so the girls can have their dream to have a full English album for their International fans. I want them to have a world tour for International fans too. sigh really great, thanks SSF ♡☺
Really can’t wait to see the eng verssion of the mv :) so excitedddd about their us perf..they’ve really come so far..makes me so proud to b called a sone. Stay well and keep strong girls, SOSHI fighting!~
finally some news on the maxi single. wish someone would have said something before most of us went to the stores that day like a fool to buy the cd. hopefully it’ll be released soon!
i thought the 19th was kind of skeptical though… a release on a saturday? 0_0 maybe they meant 29th (tuesday)? anyways… i’m ready for soshi domination! :)
november 19th came and went and left a lot of
us sort of confused on the status of girls’ generation
american debut, but it seems interscope is finally
starting to get things going. i am super-excited for
the girls american debut. i really hope it is the start
of something special!!!
awesome! visiting the web site right away
Great to see Interscope putting more resources behind the Girls. Too bad they put the wrong Twitter account to follow, hopefully that will be fixed on their website soon.
Thanks for the fast write up on this fantastic piece of news!