On September 6th, during SBS’s “Strong Heart”, Sunny stated, “There was one person who constantly contacted me,” revealing how Boom obssessed over her during his time in the army.
Sunny said, “[Boom] constantly contacted me. He asked for my help. I received a video call. A close oppa’s face appeared and he said, ‘Sunny, don’t hang up’. He said, ‘Hold on,’ and I saw extremely excited soldiers.”
At the time, Sunny didn’t have any make-up on, but Boom said, “You’re very pretty and perfect. Could you say hi?” In the end, Sunny showed her aegyo saying, “Oppas, I bet you’re tired. Fighting!”
Sunny added, “[Boom] called me late at night and even called collect. If I say ‘I’m a bit busy’ [trying to hang up], he would say ‘This is burdensome, right? Well, Kang Hodong and Yoo Jaesuk are national MCs, they’re the best. But how long do you think they’ll be the greatest? I don’t think they’re going to last much longer. They need young blood. It’ll open up soon’.”
Boom was sweating bullets and said, “I was 100% joking,” to which Sunny refuted, “I could feel his sincerity.” During the same call, Sunny revealed his obsession to Girls’ Generation saying, “Sunny, don’t let me go. I love Soshi.” Super Junior’s Leeteuk helped Sunny’s claim by saying that Boom has Sunny’s photo as his phone’s wallpaper.
Boom then started to explain, “Soldiers like women. We had a skit to get military personnel laughing, but there weren’t any guest singers. They seemed tired from laughing at my stories, so I tried calling Sunny. I said, ‘Don’t hang up,’ because it was still a broadcast.”
Source: Newsen
Translated by: [email protected]
Edited by: [email protected]
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One great issue we have there.
Lol at Boom! Cant wait to see his reaction.
Looking forward to watch the whole show with pink subs.
Lol. But I believe I must wait patiently..
Thanks for posting this news. (:
roflol XD….
Soldiers love soshi :P no one can deny that….
Boom is living proof XD
woah hoo!! hahaha celeb sunshiner ^^ well hes not the first. our girls are really winning over the hearts of so many ppl, celebs too, its really no surprise they want to talk to snsd all the time!!!! hoping to watch this show soon :DDDD SNSD fighting!
Hahaha this will be hilarious! Can’t wait for the subs!
lololol Sunny puts Boom in the hot seat. I want to see it too with pink subs. Saw the preview and some madness were shown that’s going to happen on the show. Soldiers always going crazy over Soshi! I remember seeing a video of the girls performing and man those guys were screaming their heads off. It was quite funny! I’ll wait on ssf subbers. :D
want see this episode with subs
Interesting story there.
Hope to see the show subbed soon!