On July 9th’s broadcast of MBC’s “Infinity Challenge”, titled “Jo Insung Comeback Work – What Happened in Misari”, Jo Insung appeared as a guest attempting to join the crew’s team.
That day, Jo Insung said, “I watch ‘IC’ regularly; I also saw Gil’s message on Twitter (‘Jo Insung, are you watching?’),” revealing himself as a fervent fan of “Infinity Challenge”. Furthermore, Jo Insung evoked laughter by saying, “If I were at this place, Gil would not be here right now,” getting revenge for the Twitter message.
Afterwards, Jo Insung went on to reveal his favorite girl group, Girls’ Generation, which resulted in jealousy from Ha Donghoon (HaHa) and Noh Hongchul, who like Yoona and Yuri respectively.
Source: Hankyung, [email protected]
Translated by: [email protected]
Edited by: [email protected]
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