Welcome to the first edition of Soshified Spotlight! This new feature column will be published each month, and each time a regular Soshifed member and a Soshified staff member will be profiled, allowing readers to get to know them better. The goal of this column is to bring the entire Soshified community closer together and allow everybody to feel a special bond with each other beyond Girls’ Generation. While this feature may be on the long side, I encourage you to read through it. It’s a good read, and it’ll go by quickly.
This month, we are featuring nrgeticinsanity (Paige) and Diem-vy (Diem-Vy). Paige is currently a college student in the United States who is obsessed with Girls’ Generation despite it not being the cultural norm where she’s from, and to her credit takes any ribbing she gets good-naturedly. Majoring in a very difficult subject, her schedule is very busy, including participating in scientific research using lasers (editor’s note: the lasers gained a lot of intrigue among the other writers), but she was still kind enough to answer a few questions for us.
What is your first name?
How did you find out about Soshified and why did you decide to join?
I was surfing the net, looking for more info about SNSD when I first learned about them and stumbled upon soshified. Since then I kept coming back.
How did you come up with your screen name (nrgeticinsanity)?
I can’t remember how I originally thought of it but I’ve been using it for the past few years so I just used it for Soshified as well. It’s my username for xbox live, tumblr, twitter, all sorts of stuff so you can hit me up elsewhere if you want.
Where are you originally from, and where do you currently reside (city and country for both)?
I lived in Waterford, MI for the first 10 years of my life and then moved to Grand Blanc, MI for the past 9 years. I consider that my hometown because I have more memories and spent more time actually growing up there. Currently I go to school at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and stay in the dorms.
Where is Waterford and Grand Blanc in relation to Ann Arbor? Anything fun to do in these two places as well?
Waterford and Grand Blanc are both about an hour north of Ann Arbor. I haven’t really been to Waterford since I moved so I’m not really sure what there is to do there. As far as Grand Blanc goes, it’s a small town with not much to do. If I go anywhere with friends it’s usually to Starbucks and then we often find ourselves wandering in Walmart and fighting with foam swords.
I know Ann Arbor is really close to Detroit. Do you visit Detroit often, or do you usually just stay in Ann Arbor?
Ann Arbor is close to Detroit but I don’t ever go there. I don’t have much time to go adventuring or anything because I’m busy with school and other stuff and I don’t have my car on campus with me so getting to Detroit would be a hassle. I’m sure there’s stuff to do there but I’m not familiar with the area.
If we were visiting you where you live for one day, where would you take us? Why are these places so significant?
This is a tough question because there’s so much to do in Ann Arbor but I think our first stop would be the Museum of Natural History. It’s on campus, just down the street from my dorm. They always have new exhibits that feature dinosaurs and other species from that time while another floor is full of Michigan wildlife. I really like all the cool things on display. The second place we would go is Kang’s a Korean restaurant. It’s my favorite place to eat out and they serve the best bulgogi. There’s nothing better than good authentic food while hanging out with friends or family. After we eat we would go to Pinball Pete’s the local arcade. I love being able to take a break from school work and just go have fun for a while. My friends and I always have a blast.
Tell us a little about your life. What do you do full time and in your free time?
My life is busy. I’m a college student and I live in a learning community. Everyone in my hall is a science or engineering major and we always have fun events, like talent shows or movie nights. I’m on the program board so it’s up to us to plan and run all the events. Recently I quit my job in the dining hall to do research where I basically get to shoot a laser at stuff and see what happens. I’m always listening to music and often get caught dancing in the halls. I love to write and despite my major in chemistry, found room in my schedule to take a creative writing course this semester.
Could you tell us more about your research, especially what you do with the lasers? What types of materials do you work with and shoot lasers at?
We’ve been using the lasers on different platinum compounds. We analyse the emissions given off in hopes to find a compound which will be good in producing solar cells.
What’s the most interesting thing about you and/or that has ever happened to you?
My life is full of random and crazy moments but they’re all pretty mundane. I guess the most recent interesting thing that happened to me was that I discovered I have synaesthesia, which is where you see sounds as colors. I would always try to explain to my friends the differences between singers or languages by colors and they just looked at me strangely. It wasn’t until we talked about it in my creative writing class that I knew there was a word for it.
I’ve heard of seeing sounds as colors, or as you said, synaesthesia. How would you describe the differences between two of the girls’ singing capabilities using this?
I’ve often thought about the color of the girls’ voices since I listen to them so much but It’s hard to explain a reason behind the colors also, different people often disagree on colors but for me Tiffany has a Patriarch voice since her voice is deeper and more husky. Yuri’s voice is also purple but a lot lighter, it’s Amethyst. Both of them have husky voices but Yuri’s is much lighter. Taeyeon has a Crimson glory voice because it has a rich and powerful sound. Jessica has a light and controlled voice so her color is a Golden poppy. Sunny has a high and bright voice so her vocals are Electric yellow. Sooyoung has a Brandeis blue voice, Hyoyeon has an Emerald voice, Seohyun French rose and Yoona Green-yellow. I took all these colors off wiki’s list of colors so you can see the exact color.
For people who are first meeting you (like most of us), how would you describe yourself?
I’m usually quiet at first, unless I’m around friends. I like to joke around a lot so don’t take what I say seriously. At the same time I’m also very honest. It may seem mean at first but I don’t like to mess around. I don’t have time for miscommunications and I hate it when things get messed up because people don’t explain themselves clearly. I’m also a kind person though, always caring for my friends by helping them with homework, any events or simple things like laundry.
Tell us some things that most people don’t know about you that you think they should.
First off I’m not Asian, not even a little, but I still like Asian music and food. Another thing is that despite my attitude I am usually very nervous on the inside so I can always use plenty of encouragement. Sometimes I’m quiet because it takes me a while to formulate a response. I’m careful about what I say and my brain doesn’t work by talking out loud or asking questions like some people. Don’t worry if I don’t respond just give me a few seconds of silence.
Is there anything big in your life that you’re working on? (This can be related to school, career, hobbies, family, friends, etc.)
Besides school and research I’m always working on my writings. I hope to someday be able to publish a book of my works.
How did you get interested in writing? What types of writings do you hope to publish in the future?
I’ve been into writing ever since I was young. It’s something I’ve always done for school or just for fun but I’ve only recently become more serious about it. I hope to someday publish a book of short stories and poems. I’m constantly working on things. My current work is a somewhat longer short story at about 12 pages. I’m constantly editing it and changing things. I’d like to at least be satisfied with this in the near future.
What goals are you working towards, and where do you see yourself in the near future, say five years down the line?
In five years I will be done with school and I better be employed. I’ll be twenty-four so I hope to have a place of my own and steady income. Though I’m not sure when I would like to travel to Korea or Thailand.
What are your interests outside of Girls’ Generation?
Kpop. Lots of Kpop. I’m really into music in general, I love to play video games, write, draw and read. I enjoy hanging with my friends just doing random stuff.
How did you first become a fan of Girls’ Generation?
I listened to a little bit of Japanese music so a friend of mine decided to show me kpop. The first thing he showed me though was T-ara’s Bo Peep. I told him to turn it off and never play it again. He showed me a few others but once he turned on SNSD I became intrigued. I told him I liked the song and then he played some more of there stuff and from there my love only grew. I also began listening to other kpop groups and I no longer hate T-ara.
Who is your favorite member and why?
I hate having a favorite because they are all good. Each has their own specialty and their own charms and it’s hard to rank them since I like them all for different reasons. My favorite though is Jessica. The reason she became my favorite is because of her vocals. Her voice is hard to describe but it’s just very soothing. Her honey colored voice just made me love her. She is really funny and I love her personality as well but because of her voice she will always be my favorite.
What is your favorite Girls’ Generation song and MV? Please tell us why you’re so attracted to your choices.
My favorite song is Mistake because the lyrics are very relatable and moving. The rhythm of the slow song is great and always helps put me in the mood to write or calms me down before an exam. My favorite MV is Tell Me Your Wish. It was that song that got me interested in them and I really like the concept and the catchy beat. I’m always excited for their new concepts and enjoy their new MVs but that song will always be special to me.
What is your favorite Girls’ Generation moment (only between any of the nine girls)? Please elaborate why as well.
It’s hard to pick just one, there were so many good ones! I guess I really liked when the girls were on intimate note. I wish Tiffany would have been there though. The show was just really funny and they were able to be carefree so I enjoyed it. I’ve now seen it more times that I can count and with different people. Everyone, even non-fans, thought it was funny and we are still quoting lines from it at each other.
What is the best memory you have of Girls’ Generation (you and the nine girls)?
I’ve never seen them live or anything so my memories of them consist of me watching them on my computer with my headphones in and my roommate interrupting me to see if I’m ok because she wasn’t sure if I was laughing or crying. Some good memories are when I first started listening to them and my friend was constantly quizzing me so I could tell them apart by looks and by vocals.
How has Girls’ Generation impacted your life, in specific areas or even as a whole?
I’ve become more culturally aware thanks to them. I started taking Korean and learned a lot about Korean culture. I started eating Korean food which led to me eating more Asian foods and other food in general. I tried a lot of things and as a result I like more foods and eat more vegetables too. I used to be a really picky eater. I introduced kpop to my younger sisters and it has given us something to talk about now. We get along a lot better since we can always fall back to talking about kpop.
What do you like most about Soshified, and why? Any section in particular you’re attracted to?
I like that we are a community. This is the first site I’ve been on where people are this devoted to something and have come together because of it. I feel like I can trust anyone on here. I guess because of my love for writing you are more likely to find me in the fanfic section but like all sones I’ve got to keep up on the latest news, translated goods and soshisubbed videos. I like to browse a lot of random stuff after that.
Is there anything else about you that you would like to add?
Wow I just wrote a lot. Basically I love chemistry, writing, video games and SNSD. If you want to chat just send me a message. I’d love to get to know more of my fellow sones, especially if you live near me. I’d be cool to do a meet up. SNSD and soshified fighting!
Second up we have Diem-Vy, who has been around Soshified since almost the very beginning, and has apparently gained quite a big family in the forum. Currently a high-school student in Canada, she is also part of the SoShi Subs staff as a timer. Despite her hectic schedule as a full-time student, Diem-Vy was gracious enough to sit down with us and allow us to get to know her for a bit.
What is your first name?
How did you find out about Soshified and why did you decide to join?
I think I found SSF on SNSD’s Wikipedia page and I got curious so I clicked on it. It was like in April 2008.
I decided to join but I wasn’t really active. When the Dream Concert incident happened…BAM!~ Everyone was
hating on SNSD~ I was so “scared” and went to Soshified, where everyone loves SNSD, to feel secured.
How did you come up with your screen name (Diem-vy)?
Oh that’s just my real name. I didn’t have any other idea so yeah. xD
Where are you originally from, and where do you currently reside (city and country for both)?
I’m 100% Vietnamese. I was born and live in Canada, Montreal.
If we were visiting you where you live for one day, where would you take us? Why are these places so significant?
I would take you to “La Ronde”. It’s an amusement park~It’s very fun~ Hum…I would take you to the
Olympic Stadium because it’s so cool there~ Hum…I would take you to watch fireworks if it’s summer.
Tell us a little about your life. What do you do full time and in your free time?
I’m a full time student. During my free time, I hang out with my friends at C-town or I’m relaxing at home.
I’m on the computer chatting with SSF people~
What’s the most interesting thing about you and/or that has ever happened to you?
Hahaha nothinggg!~ There’s nothing interesting about me!~ I’m a boring person xDDD
Are you sure you’re not interesting? No hobbies or big achievements that you’re proud of or rare situations that you’ve found yourself in?
Haha well nah I’m not interesting~ I just like to help people~ Make them happy that’s all~
Well my hobbies are listening to music, playing on the computer, singing and talking with people on SSF~
Nope. No big achievements or something like that!~ xDD
For people who are first meeting you (like most of us), how would you describe yourself?
I’m a sociable person. I like to listen to people more than talk. But if the topic is interesting, we can talk
all day about it haha xD. I’m a nice person I guess Tell us some things that most people don’t know about you that you think they should.
I don’t like when people take me for granted. I might look tough but I have a soft side too >.
Is there anything big in your life that you’re working on? (This can be related to school, career, hobbies, family, friends, etc.)
Hum…no,not really. Well,I have a big oral presentation due for April 1st. That mark will decide if i can go to
college or not~ Also,I’m working on saving up to go to South Koreaaaa!~ What goals are you working towards, and where do you see yourself in the near future, say five years down the line?
Hum…I want to be a criminologist. Five years from now?~ I’ll be in university studying I guess xDD
I want to have a house with a pool and water fountains.
What are your interests outside of Girls’ Generation?
Hum…I like Kpop in general~ I like to sing even if I suck badly~ I like to buy CDs and posters xDD
How did you first become a fan of Girls’ Generation?
Hum…It was around 3 years ago,X-mas. I was in History class and we were watching a movie. But it was
toooo boring so my friend and me were listening to music on her MP3. Then…ITNW came up and I was like “Who is your favorite member and why?
Haha I knew this question would come up somewhere~ I like all members but when people ask me, I answer
Yoona~~ Why?~ Because she’s the most beautiful girl I ever seen in my life~ I liked her since I saw her in
Super Junior’s U MV~ Her innocent face totally caught my eyes~ What I like about her is her outgoing personality.
She’s just so sweet and caring~ I love her!~ What is your favorite Girls’ Generation song and MV? Please tell us why you’re so attracted to your choices.
My favorite Girls’ Generation song is Into The New World because it’s that song that gave birth to So Nyuh
Shi Dae. Every time I hear it, I feel so happy and energized. My favorite MV is also ITNW~ I love how the girls
look so cute and innocent~ I like Kissing You too~
What is your favorite Girls’ Generation moment (only between any of the nine girls)? Please elaborate why as well.
My favorite moment is when the girls won awards~ The happiness I feel is incredible~ I’m even happier than
them~ I also like the interactions between Yulsic~ Yesh,a die hard Yulsic shipper here~ What is the best memory you have of Girls’ Generation (you and the nine girls)?
When they had their first concert. The happiness on their faces was sooo obvious~ I was so happy for them
How has Girls’ Generation impacted your life, in specific areas or even as a whole?
Well, the number 9 became my favorite number. I hated pink before but now,I like it If the girls could grant you one wish, what would that wish be?
Hum…to let me live with them for a year!~ xDD
Random wish~
What do you like most about Soshified, and why? Any section in particular you’re attracted to?
Haha even if I’m a subber, my favorite section is the Fanfics section~ I pass half of my time there~ I love to
read stories with SNSD as main characters~ Yulsic! Taeny! Yoonhyun!Soosun! And Hyo of course~! xD What I
like the most about SSF is the people~ Everyone is so nice!~ Why did you decide to join the Soshified staff, and why the particular job you have now?
Haha truthfully, at first, it was because I didn’t want to write 20 words every time I post something xDD
But after I joined, I changed my mind~ I want to contribute something for SNSD’s fans~ What exactly do you do? Do you enjoy this position?
I’m timing the translations when they are done~ Yeah I enjoy my position!~
What is your favorite project that you’ve ever been involved in?
All the Music Core clips I did!~ I really like to time those videos!~ Also the Idol Army with 2PM~
Any interesting experiences when interacting with members?
Yeahhh a lotttt!~ By reading fanfics,I knew a lot of cool people!~ I even have a whole family on SSF now~ An
umma, two appas, something like 5 sisters, 8 aunties and many more!~ Haha it’s very fun!~ Is there anything else about you that you would like to add?
No, but I would like to lose some weight xDD
And that concludes our first ever Soshified Spotlight. A very big thank you goes out to Paige and Diem-Vy for taking the time to allow us to get to know them better and for their very engaging responses.
If you have any opinions or feedback about Soshified Spotlight, please post in the comments section below, as this column is for you, the readers, and we would like to know how to improve this feature. If you would like to participate in a future Soshified Spotlight or know someone whom you want to see featured, please go to the Soshified Spotlight Nomination announcement to view instructions on how to enter a submission.
Thanks for reading! We’ll see you with two new profiles next month!
Compiled by: [email protected]
Graphic by: tishos (L)@soshified.com