On the 16th, the broadcasted show KBS “Invincible Youth”, the G7 members met in the rain, in the middle of a village at Hokkaido, Japan and broke up with tears with Sunny (SNSD) and Hymoin (T-ara) reunion.
2 week featured broadcasted show KBS “Invincible Youth-G7 Goes to Japan” went to Hokkaido in the rain from their town, as the G7 members (Narsha, Goo Hara, Hyomin, Han Sun Hwa, Victoria, Lee Joo Yeon, and Kim So Ri) accepted the invitation and conducted the first overseas location.
Departure from the airport seemed excited as they threw off the floral rural costume and presented themselves with brilliant fashion in the airport.
Especially, the moment the G7 arrived at the airport, in front of them was SNSD Sunny appeared and without a change appeared with her “Funny Doll” appearance.
Meanwhile, the G7 members were in the rain at a snowy mountain, the scenery in front of unfolded before their eyes a hot bath. From the early morning they rose up the mountain, and in a bath hotter than they thought, they had bouts.
The episode will be broadcasted two times, the 16th and 23rd.
Translated by: [email protected]
Credits to: 지유림 기자 [email protected]
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