Girlsâ?? Generation has appeared on male site (For a feeling of what the site is like, just look at their tag line: â??Buy.Collect.Obsess – The original buyerâ??s guide for men.â? Ugh). Titled â??Meet Koreaâ??s 9-Girl Pop Supergroup,â? the article includes an introduction to their hit song â??Gee,â? and calls it â??stupidly, stupidly addictive.â?
It goes on to say, â??Though SNSD may appear to consist of faceless Korean fembots, there really are nine distinct people in the group,â? and proceeds to give individual photos and profile descriptions on each member.
Meanwhile, Girlsâ?? Generation has won #1 for â??Geeâ? in January 16thâ??s KBS â??Music Bank,â? January 18thâ??s SBS â??Popular Song,â? and January 23rdâ??s â??Music Bank.â? They have even ranked #1 for two weeks in a row on â??Music Bank,â? where they havenâ??t even performed yet.
The â??Geeâ? syndrome has definitely been spreading through the music itself but also ringtones, the â??Geeâ? dance, the lively choreography, the vintage fashion of their T-shirts, and it looks like this fever will keep catching on for now.
Source: Newsen + Complex
Credit: heygingersnap @ +
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(Note: Article is not directly translated.)