“I almost became a member of SNSD”

Lee Yeon-hee revealed on ‘Sang-sang plus’ that she almost became a member of SNSD.

She beat the competition of 8000:1 and won first place in ‘SM Teenage Contest’. Since then, her and SNSD members have been friends while training together.

She stated “I auditioned where a girl from Korea and Japan were picked to become a celebrity. However, I didn’t get picked in the end. The person that won was Sooyoung from ‘SNSD'”.

Credits: http://news.mk.co.kr/outside/view.php?year…7&no=686319
translated by: minjeong @soshified

Can you guys imagine SNSD without Sooyoung?? I mean if Lee Yeon-hee got picked over Sooyoung, Lee Yeon-hee would’ve been a member.. It’s hard to imagine..!!! I can’t imagine her singing, I’ve only seen her act.