The 9-membered female group SNSD’s Tiffany showed her thanks when her fans picked her best charming
point as her Eye Smiles.
Lately, Tiffany has been actively promoting SNSD’s ‘Kissing You’ as well as being in charge of Cable TV’s
KMTV Gayo Baek Suh as a MC. Recently, Tiffany’s been hearing from her fans about how “her eyes take
the shape of a crescent-moon when she smiles and it has left an impression on them”.
Also, the many ‘Crescent Eye-Smile’ Tiffany has shown in different TV Programs, have been made into
CAPS on the internet and have been the subject of conversation between netizens.
During a phone conversation, a participant of SM Entertainment stated that, “the usual cheerful and
open-hearted Tiffany felt very touched and thankful to the fans for having such interest in her Eye Smiles.”
The participant then continued, “Tiffany will continue showing a bright and cheerful self and wishes to
make her fans happy more and more.”
—————- credits: StarNews & ak6c@soshified
—————- please credit if taken out
Yeah, Tiffany has one of the best eye smiles. :rolleyes: