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Member Since 03 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active Jun 13 2013 04:54 AM

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In Topic: [PICTURES] 「GLOBAL GENERATION」소녀시대 4주년기념 선물

26 July 2011 - 08:08 PM

Omfg the grow your cucumber garden! HAHAHA Jessi would definitely grow that and destroy it after..
The monopoly is a work of art, literally a difficult job to get it done and i really like the astrology shirts, simple words but that totally described the personality of each person i swear (Y)
Anyway, im real stoked about the post cards! I hope they feel the Global Generation love that they've created, its amazing and awesome what you guys have done :unworthy:

In Topic: [PICTURES] 「GLOBAL GENERATION」소녀시대 4주년기념 선물

26 July 2011 - 08:07 PM

Omfg the grow your cucumber garden! HAHAHA Jessi would definitely grow that and destroy it after..
The monopoly is a work of art, literally a difficult job to get it done and i really like the astrology shirts, simple words but that totally described the personality of each person i swear (Y)
Anyway, im real stoked about the post cards! I hope they feel the Global Generation love that they've created, its amazing and awesome what you guys have done :unworthy:

In Topic: [PICTURES] 「GLOBAL GENERATION」소녀시대 4주년기념 선물

04 July 2011 - 12:06 AM

Those Swarovski Crystalline Pens are awesome and the GG rings. Nice choice people. i'll be anticipating! im sure more good stuff will come! (:

In Topic: [INTERVIEW] First Japan Tour Pamphlet

27 June 2011 - 05:47 AM

Holywow. This piece of translation is way beyond daebak! Thanks for the translation!! How i wished they can somehow leak us a video of it, i swear this interview will be a million times better with their expressions! Snsd managers are cute with their answer by the way (Y) These girls just cant stop being so dorky when they're together!

In Topic: [UFO] Taeyeon, Jessica, Yoona UFO Messages

25 June 2011 - 08:07 PM

taeyeonie's UFO uwaa! i wish the girls would drop by more often and reply more of UFOs. Its amazing and its one of the way we'll know what theyve been up to recently! :D