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Member Since 18 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active May 31 2020 05:57 AM

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In Topic: 01 - The Boys

20 October 2011 - 04:55 AM

I really really LOVE the lyrics of this song.....seriously Yoo Young Jin is genius~ The meaning of the song is really nice~ ^^ Thank you for the fast translation!

In Topic: [OTHERS] Music Station's Tweets About SNSD

04 June 2011 - 07:56 AM

Must thanks Music station for the perfect stage they prepare for the girls' ^^ and it seems like they really love our girl so much!! ahhahahha.....^^ Thanks for translating this~

In Topic: [OTHERS] Sooyoung's and SNSD's condition

03 June 2011 - 10:24 PM

I'm impress after knowing about this. I was speechless after their performance yesterday and now....I can't utter any single words. They look so amazing yesterday and I could never guess that Sooyoung and the girls are not feeling to good. They give such a perfect live-stage and it just amaze me in every extant. This girl.....is amazing, they are a Professional indeed. I hope Sooyoung get will soon and the girls' have rest and will stay strong for today and tmrw concert!! FIGHTING!

In Topic: [BOOK] Girls' Generation Memoirs

23 May 2011 - 10:09 PM

and again....I'm really thankful to you guys for translating this!! >_< Thank you so much for the hard work~ ^^

Haha.....Prankster Yuri!! Of course we know that :P.......and even until now....she still want to eat takoyaki.......haha, even though they already in japan for several months......Can't wait for the next chapter u gonna translate!! And it's maknae~ kekekkee......she is more health freak than yuri...:P

In Topic: [BOOK] Girls' Generation Memoirs

02 May 2011 - 10:59 PM

OMG!! Thank you so much for translating this! I bought the book but can't understand a single thing, nevertheless, I keep it as a collection. But....with this! I can understand what they are talking about! I'm so happy~ Thank you!