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Member Since 14 Aug 2009
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In Topic: [MESSAGE] Sica's message on woorisica 10.30.10

03 November 2010 - 11:26 AM

ok one thing for sure..

NAMja and YEOja ..sounds really different from each other,
so its not really a slip tongue~(so all this time ur thinking about ur woman being stolen sica,right?)
nyahahha now we know

thanks for pressing sica,
if u hadn't comment about it,
i would have been completely oblivious about this,
totally no knowledge, wont realize and will never ever be.kekeke

seeing it now,
u cant really easily tell(if ur not korean) that she did wrong,
i dont know if she acted really well,
or she herself didnt notice her mistake at that sec(delay reaction comin' through)
but lol it really appeared like nothings wrong~

another man huh?
so,its either your man is gay then or your (...) :P

so i guess going with NAMja again isn't not bad at all,
go make it the trademark lyrics sica~~keke

In Topic: 02 - 내 잘못이죠 (Mistake)

02 November 2010 - 10:21 PM

shhoooot..this song is really something,
i cant seem to get tired listening to it over and over again~

the rhythm and now that i finally have the knowledge
and understanding to its meaning,
its just WOW,
the lyrics is so WIN~

thank you for the translation,
and most especially for the romanizations~
i can now follow the song and sing it without making my own alien lyrics lol lol~