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Member Since 03 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 12 2016 05:05 AM

#5926092 9 Days of Caring

Posted by Izzybun on 25 January 2013 - 02:12 PM

It's a really wonderful idea! It's beautiful that so many of us are inspired by the girls to do more good :)



Username: Izzybun
City, Country: Gliwice, Poland
Video/Pic: http://i.imgur.com/YNeqOuX.jpg
Summary: From time to time there are charity events at my local church. This time they were collecting money for the starving kids and anyone who donated certain amount of money were given a little gift - a special memorial plate. My mum already donated and told me about it but I decided to do it too. I saved money to buy some books but I decided this will be the better way to spend it and so I donated three times as much as everyone, because I think this charity would need this money more. The card that I got with the plate says "the plate of mercy".
Date: 21.01.2013

Username: Izzybun
City, Country: Gliwice, Poland
Video/Pic: http://i.imgur.com/btNnDoU.jpg
Summary: I decided to give some warm clothes to the charity and I hope they will be useful for someone, especially now because recently the winter here gets colder and colder :)
Date: 24.01.2013

Username: Izzybun
City, Country: Gliwice, Poland
Video/Pic: http://i.imgur.com/28vMSGK.jpg
Summary: It's not much but this is something I do ever since we've had snow last December. When I see the car covered with snow I leave a smiley face on it, because maybe it will make someone happy or make someone smile too.
Date: December till now (the picture was taken on Thursday, 24.01.2013)



I hope to continue doing more good deeds in the future to make our girls proud :)

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