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Member Since 23 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active May 20 2014 07:53 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [MESSAGE] Thank you~ hehe (Jessica's birthday message)

18 April 2012 - 07:31 AM

Is it okay for me to receive this much love+happy birthdays?

Of course its ok. :banana: Happy birthday again! Thanks for translating her message ^^

In Topic: [TIFFANY] Marc Jacobs Bag

15 August 2011 - 09:03 AM

Sharp eyes there! When I saw this picture, I thought It was really the mj bag but on a second thought, she must have lots of stuff in pink and its probably a different bag. This just confirms my first thoughts ^_^

In Topic: [PICTURES] 「GLOBAL GENERATION」소녀시대 4주년기념 선물

26 July 2011 - 07:55 PM

WOW!!! These gifts are no joke! Soshified is soo awesome. :D I saw the soshiland thing on twitter, that's a winner! Makes me wanna play the game too. ^_^

Seriously, to everyone behind this project, you guys did a very good job, keep it up! :)

I want to see Sica's reaction once she sees the grow your own cucumber garden toy. ^_^

In Topic: Twitter Trends (2)

23 July 2011 - 04:20 AM

The girls are still trending #1 now, worldwide. ^_^ This would be 8:00PM KST Good luck on your concert! ^_^

Posted Image

In Topic: [UFO] Taeyeon, Sunny, Yoona, Seohyun UFO Messages

18 July 2011 - 03:47 AM

I really enjoy reading any member's UFOs. :D Thank you for translating these replies. Never fails to put a smile on every sone's face. ^_^ Wish I could come to their concert, that would be awesome. :thumbup: