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night sky

Member Since 06 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 25 2019 09:04 AM

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In Topic: [MESSAGE] Happy 5th Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대

24 July 2012 - 12:23 PM

August 05 2007.

The day that i will not forget.
The day that every S<3NE cerish.
This day the group that would change my life-or even other million people in the world-  born.

They face hardships together, having fun together, they always hold each other hands.

They face some desperate situation that makes almost all groups in the whole world give ups but did they give up? No.
Their strong bond proofed that even the worst tragedy cannot broke their will to reach their dream.

And yet people still said that they can't last long in this harsh entertainment world.

August 05 2012.

They become the national girl group.
They become the CF queen.
Their sold best album of the year at Japan.
GDA third times over.
David letterman? Damn they've been there.
And yet they still being humble.
They said whats important is being together with all the nine member.

They always thank us. They never forget us. But i think we should thank them too. Because of the affection they give to us and the wondrousity of being able to cerish people up like no other.

Thank you for being Girls' Generation.
We're gonna be with you forever.

Jigeumen Sonyuh Shidae
Apeurodo Sonyuh Shidae
Yomoni Sonyuh Shidae


In Topic: [OTHERS] "A SONE's Last Diary"

16 August 2011 - 01:43 AM

i cried.. this is so touching.
i can understand, because i'm like he, one of thousand SONE that feel the love from SNSD..

i pray for the girls to read this..

please watch over SNSD, and GBU.