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Member Since 17 Jul 2010
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2020 02:52 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [MESSAGE] Happy 5th Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대

04 August 2012 - 03:48 PM

It's been 5 Years since your debut and still counting.

The only wish we Sone want for you is.....

To be together FOREVER. ^_^

It's not much, isn't it? :laugh:

5 years have passed.

In 5 years, you've been thanking us SONES non-stop.

But I think we SONES are the one who should say thank you.

Because without SNSD there'll be no SONE.

You guys keep us SONE going.

Continue to show your charms to people.

Continue to show your SoShiBond to people.

And most of all, continue to become ONE.

Worry nothing, because you got SONES on your side.

The only regret I have is I've never been beside you since 소녀시대 was born.

But I assure you that I'll be with you until forever ends.

To wrap things up, let's all say the never gets old motto of our Girls,

지금은 소녀시대!

앞으로도 소녀시대!

영원히 소녀시대!



In Topic: [UFO] Sunny's UFO Messages

24 April 2011 - 12:21 AM

Thank you for the Translation again and again and again. :thumbup:

:unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy:

In Topic: [UFO] Taeyeon, Jessica, Yuri UFO Messages

21 April 2011 - 06:00 AM

Waaaaaaaah, thank you for subbing. :D :thumbup:
SoShi Subs !~ :D

In Topic: [MAGAZINE] SNSD - Sweet

12 April 2011 - 11:10 PM

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!~ Thanks for the Translation. :thumbup: :D

Oh~ They all use Moisturizer...so that's their secret. :lol:

Yeah Secret Garden. :lol: Hyun Bin is really funny :lol:

In Topic: [COMIC] Soshifarm

16 February 2011 - 05:17 AM

wow..haha. sooo cute. :>
especially taeyeon when she's in the box. :D

LOL'd at the Bonus pic. :lol:
But overall it's CUTE. :thumbup: