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Member Since 19 May 2010
Offline Last Active Nov 04 2019 04:55 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [SOOYOUNG] T&C Horseshoe Necklace

17 July 2011 - 07:34 PM

That is the best $2000 we project leaders ever spent. <3

It's always great to see the girls wearing our gifts, especially something that was privately funded by the project staff and that was given to them at their one and only Visual Dreams performance.

Ah Sooyoung, you made my night! ^_______^

In Topic: [SOSHI] Soshified & Charities

29 March 2011 - 07:37 AM

Oh my eyes are tired from reading too much
how much did they donate
they must be making a lot of money these days
so donate more

To which "they" are you referring to, comeafteralone?

All the charity drives mentioned here were run by Soshified to raise money for a cause (usually specified). The money raised is from generous members who donate however much they can.

In Topic: [DONATE] Japan Relief Fund

17 March 2011 - 09:51 AM

Username: Jerzideva
Country: Canada
Amount: $650.00

Going to try to donate more next week when I get paid again.

Japan can and will recover from this. We just have to keep believing and keep praying that things will work out.


how to donate? is there any bank acc or something?
sorry i dont really understand.
poor japan.

If you pay attention to the very first post, all the information is there.

1. Due to the short collection period, we will only be accepting Paypal donations. (Paypal DEADLINE: March 31st, 10pm EST)
2. Paypal

a. Send payments to [email protected].
b. Click the 'personal gift' option to prevent having to pay a fee. If a fee does appear, please pay it.
c. Please include the following in the Paypal subject box: [JAPAN] SSF display name (NOT your log-in user name).

If you want to donate, you must have a Paypal account. Because of the March 31st deadline, we are NOT accepting concealed cash donations for this fundraiser.

When you have finished sending the money, please don't forget the next step:

3. Use the below format to post your donation in this thread:


I hope that helped. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

In Topic: [DONATE] Brazil Flood Relief

28 February 2011 - 08:25 AM

Username: Jerzideva
Country: Canada
Amount: $100
Method (PP/CC): Paypal

Woo! We can do this!

In Topic: [PIC] New Year Surprise

24 January 2011 - 10:28 PM

Looks great! Hope they wear them!
So how exactly do you guys pass gifts onto the girls?

Soy was in Seoul at the time of the Intel event where SNSD performed Visual Dreams and Hoot. She brought gifts along. Simple as that.

How can we donate money to be part of the gift?

For this one, it was private funded by 4 of the Project Leaders.

4th anniversary is coming up soon. If you want to help out with that, stay tuned for more information.