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Member Since 30 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 19 2011 04:12 PM

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In Topic: [OTHER] Chorlotte's Kazuno's Blog - Skateboarding

28 June 2010 - 05:06 AM

XD This is soooooo cute! I'm happy the girls are having so much attention even before their official debut ;)
Now bigger celebrities are supporting them, I hope it'll keep happening

In Topic: [OTHER] Osawa Akane's Blog - Our latest chats

28 June 2010 - 04:59 AM

Gekidan Hitori is very well known in Japan o.o
He's popular as a commedian and also did many dramas, including "Maou" with Arashi Ohno Satoshi
I think this actually the first "big" celebrity to attest their support to SNSD.
I don't know how famous his wife is, but I'm sure many people are going to be more interested in SNSD debut now.
xD Keep going girls

In Topic: [OTHER] Katsuta Rino's Blog - PINO Diary

24 June 2010 - 09:28 AM

xDDDDD I recently found out that Sunny is the most popular member among the non SNSD fans.
My girl is so loved *_* I'm so happy
This Rino girl really like kpop a lot xDDD
Too bad that, considering that Avex is not usually very good in producing girls group, it's unlikely that her group will become relevant :/
I hope she gets to meet the girls at least ^^

In Topic: [OTHER] Katsuta Rino's Blog - PINO Diary

17 June 2010 - 03:02 PM

huh what happened at akb's concer???


nooooo rofl XD
eventho snsd have LOTS male fans but they're variety of them not only ahjussi (but ahjussi & unnie fans the most supportive in every positive ways) and none of them creepy male/female fans (atleast not when they're at the concert lol) all being well behaved ^^
now snsd's fangirls also same amount as the fanboys and lots of them are teenagers
sones been a good fans ^^

Mmhh... xDDD I'll try to say it in a PG version of the report I read: this girl went to an AKB concert and said that the wota were very... exicted... not in a good way.
Consider also that akb girls are usually VERY young and you got the picture :/

MMh you know Korean and Japanese audience are quite different. Japanese girls group are almost always followed by extremelly dedicated and in some cases creepy male fanclubs and this sometimes makes impossible for them to have a real girls fanbase
I have the feeling that Korean fandoms in more equilibrated in terms of gender in they fanclubs.
A lot of boys follow boybands and a lot of girls follow girlsbands
This is rare for female idols groups in Japan. A lot of girls are ashamed to say they like groups like Momusu and akb because there's no strong female presence in those fanclubs ^^
That's why I'm SO happy females idols in Japan are expressing their love for SNSD and that I hope more girls will gento into them ^^
They may actually be the idols group that can create a bridge between male and female fans in the girls group scene ^^

In Topic: [OTHER] Katsuta Rino's Blog - PINO Diary

17 June 2010 - 12:59 PM

hahaha true XD wota-free XD
but it would be great if their fans would be like in korea from many kinda of ppl boys-girls all equal in numbers ^^

I agree, just not the creepy male fans that follow AKB48 or Momusu please D:
I read some review of girls that went at AKB concerts and they scarred me for life o_o
I want their concert to be happy, warm and for families like Arashis are *_*