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4/28/11 2nd Soshi Dream(Short but sweet, Yay) - It was at a ski resort I believe. Sitting there at a counter waiting(For don't know what) Taeyeon sat there and by reaction I took a pic of her. She replies "Go ahead :), I'm off duty." Then was like "Ah too lazy to get a good picture"(must be due to dream's bad quality focus image). Next was Yuri walked by decides to pretend to step on my foot and goes, "I know you won't retaliate." I simply replied in .....
Apr 28 2011 02:37 PM
  • Cheetahs's Photo
    .....Defense of my pride. "How'd you know?" Next I realized did they speak in Eng or Hangul? If they did, there must of been subtitles in my mind.
    Apr 28 2011 02:37 PM