sunny delicious

Sunny posted a picture of some cupcakes on her Instagram on October 12th, and then interacted with fans on October 12th for a few hours before leaving for her DJ duties on “FM Date”. Read her comments below — the English translations are in italics beneath her original messages.

Sunny: 마이쪙..️ <3

Sunny: 살찌는 소리가 들린다 뒤룩뒤룩
(I can hear myself gaining weight, getting fat, getting fat)

Sunny: Yumyum nomnom

Sunny: 나 요즘 부잉부잉인데ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(These days I’m buuing buuing hehehehehe)
Translator’s note: “buuing” is an aegyo sound.

Sunny: 운동시져염
(I don’t like exercise)

Sunny: 판교 현대백화점ㅋㅋ
(Hyundai department store in Pangyo hehe)

Sunny: 헐 뚱규뭐임?!ㅡㅡ
(Heol, what do you mean “Ddoongkyu”?! __)
Translator’s note: “Ddoong-bbo” is a Korean equivalent of “fatty”, so “Ddoongkyu” is a a combination of “fatty” and “Soonkyu”, Sunny’s Korean name.

Sunny: 뚱규 울고 있다…
(Ddoongkyu is crying…)

Sunny: 생일축하 <3 happy b-day <3
(Happy birthday <3 Happy b-day <3)

Sunny: 친구없녜ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ나친구일곱이나있는데ㅠㅠㅠㅠ퓨
(You have no friends ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I have seven friends ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Phew)

Sunny: 우린 친구아니고 애인 XD
(We aren’t friends, we’re lovers XD)

Sunny: 소금이능 바로 옆에서 꼬랑지 살랑살랑~
(Sogeum is right beside me, lightly wagging her tail~)

Sunny: 셀카안돼 쌩얼이야. 단호박.
(I can’t take a selfie; I’m barefaced. Firm.)

Sunny: 과자전 가려 그랬는데 현장 티켓판매 종료라길래 짜게 식음. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
(I was going to go to the snack exhibition, but I heard on-site ticket sales ended, so it cooled saltily ㅠㅠㅠㅠ)
Translator’s note: “Cooled saltily” means that her intention to go ended quickly, in a negative way.

Sunny: 소금이 생일은 정확히 2014년 12월 12일.
(Sogeum’s birthday is exactly December 12, 2014)

Sunny: 소금이 동생이 곧 옵니다. 설탕. 근데 그 아인 우리 작은언니 진규언니의 아이라 제가 잠시 맡아주고 내년에 언니네로 이사갑니다.
(Sogeum’s younger sibling is coming soon. Sugar. But that child is my second oldest sister, Jinkyu unnie’s, child so I’m taking care of it temporarily and next year, it will move to unnie’s place.)
Translator’s note: “Sugar” is “Sultang” in Korean. “Sogeum”, the name of Sunny’s cat, means “salt”.

Sunny: 소금이 서포트는 제가 든든히 하고 있기 때문에. 그날 열정서폿 (봉사활동, 헌혈) 외에는 받지 않겠습니닷.
(I am reliably supporting Sogeum. I will not receive anything other than passionate support (volunteering, blood donation) on that day.)

Sunny: 훗

Sunny: 올해 순규생파 못 열었어 미안해. 실은 그날 자켓사진 찍었었거든ㅠㅠ
(I’m sorry I couldn’t host Soonkyu’s birthday party this year. Truthfully, we shot our album cover photos that day ㅠㅠ)

Sunny: 소금이는 아침마다 꾹꾹이로 저를 깨웁니다. 사랑스러워 돌아버리겠습니다.
(Every morning, Sogeum wakes me up by kneading. She’s so lovable, it makes me crazy.)

Sunny: 요즘 소금이가 문여는 법을 터득했습니다. 이번엔 다른 의미로 돌아버리겠습니다.
(These days, Sogeum has learned how to open doors. This time, I’m going crazy for a different reason.)

Sunny: 심지어 화장실 문까지 열고 들어오십니다. 당당히.
(She even opens the bathroom door and comes in. Confidently.)

Sunny: 들어오신다는건 네. 제가 안에 있을때라는 것입니다.
(Yes, when I say she comes in, I mean when I’m inside)

Sunny: 해외 소원들 번역 쉬우라고ㅋㅋ
(So it’s easy for international SONE to translate hehe)

Sunny: 그르게. 소금이 엄마 닮았네..
(That’s right. Sogeum takes after Mom…)

Sunny: 근데 얘 애아빠는 누굴까?…
(But who is this kid’s dad?…)

Sunny: 다들 아빠이길 자처합니다. 그러나 내 맘에 안들어 탈락
(Everyone is pretending that they are the father. But I don’t like it, so you’re all eliminated)

Sunny: 네 그렇습니다 연쇄쇼핑가족 끝
(Yes, that’s right. “Serial Shopping Family” is done)

Sunny: 많이 아쉽습니다. 좋은 인연들 만났는데
(It’s very sad. I met a lot of good people)

Sunny: 써니가 영어를 못해서 미안합니다
(I’m sorry that Sunny can’t speak English.)

Sunny: 그러니까 fm데이트를 검색해
(So search “FM Date”)

Sunny: 무릎 괜찮습니다 걱정을 끼쳐 미안해
(My knee is okay. I’m sorry for making you worry)

Sunny: 라디오 즐겁습니다 소원 고마워
(Radio is fun. Thank you, SONE)

Sunny: 발목도 안부 전합니다 괜찮아
(My ankles are sending you their regards. It’s okay.)

Sunny: 출근 아직 멀어뜸ㅋ 아흑 이러다 라디오 하다가도 이러는거 아니냐능
(It’s a long time until I have to go to work heh. Ah, if I keep doing this, will I do this while doing radio?)

@hotsootuff: 헐 ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
(Heol ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ)
Editor’s note: @hotsootuff is Sooyoung’s Instagram account.

Sunny: 수영이가 온듯 합니다. 역시 식신은 음식 냄새 잘 맡아.
(I think Sooyoung is here. As expected, Shikshin is good at sniffing out the smell of food.)M/i>
Translator’s note: “Shikshin” = means “the goddess of food/eating”.

Sunny: 저는 식신이 아닙니다.
(I’m not a shikshin.)

Sunny: 뚱규는 더더욱 아닙니다. 단호박.
(Even more so, I’m not a Ddoongkyu. Firm.)

Sunny: 여기서 치킨 얘기하시면 곤란합니다. 오늘 야식 또 먹어야 됩니다.
(If you talk about chicken here, it gets difficult. It’ll make me eat a late night meal again today.)

Sunny: 술규 아닙니다. 나를 시집 갈 수 있게 만들어.
(I’m not Soolkyu. Please make it so I can get married.)
Translator’s note: “Soolkyu” is a combination of “sool”, alcohol, and “Soonkyu”.

Sunny: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ알았어 안갈께 내가 미안ㅋㅋ
(Hehehehehe okay. I won’t get married, I’m sorry hehe)

Sunny: 독거써니.. 엉엉..
(Single Sunny..Wah wah..)

Sunny: 시집은 읽는 거죠
(I’ll forget getting married)

Sunny: 아 그렇다고 제가 시집을 읽는다는건 아닙니다. 미안
(Ah, just because you say that doesn’t mean that I’m giving up marriage. Sorry)

Sunny: 슬슬 초롱님 얘기가 나옵니다. 내가 가길 원합니까?!
(Stories of Chorong-nim are slowly coming out. Do you want me to get married?!)
Editor’s note: Chorong is a member of the girl group, A Pink; Sunny has mentioned before that she is Chorong’s fan.

Sunny: 돈까스 드세요
(Eat donkatsu)
Translator’s note: “Donkatsu” is pork cutlet.

Sunny: 내 덕질은 망했어
(My obsession is ruined)

Sunny: 연관 검색어에 초롱 어쩔ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(“Chorong” is in my related search words, what do I do hehehehe)

Sunny: 안경의 명복을 빈다
(I hope your glasses rest in peace)

Sunny: 덕후인건 창피하지 않습니다 선배인게 챙피해
(I’m not embarrassed of being a fan; I’m embarrassed that I’m a sunbae)

Sunny: 화음 홍보 영상은 전적으로 에펨데이트 스텝들의 의견. 나는 동의하지 않았다.
(The harmony promotion video is completely the opinion of “FM Date staff”. I did not agree.)

Sunny: 찍다가 손발이 없어졌다. 내 손발 돌려줘.
(My hands and feet disappeared while filming. Give me my hands and feet back.)
Editor’s note: Sunny means that she was very embarrassed.

Sunny: 저는 힘이 없습니다. 엉엉.
(I have no strength. Wah wah.)

Sunny: 당신은 구라파덕.
(You are Psyduck.)
Editor’s note: Psyduck is a Pokemon.

Sunny: 아 내 손발이 거기 있습니까?
(Ah, are my hands and feet over there?)

Sunny: 단콘은 스포 하지 못합니다. 왜냐면 무서워.
(I cannot spoil the solo concert. Because I’m scared.)

Sunny: 썼다 지웠다. 스포는 조금만 기다려.
(I wrote it, then erased it. Wait a little longer for spoilers.)

Sunny: 아 20일 전인권 아저씨랑 생중계 합니다. 친구의 부탁 거절하지 못한다. 의리.
(Ah, on the 20th, I’m doing a live broadcast with Jun Inkwon ahjussi. I cannot decline a friend’s plea. [I’m] loyal.)

Sunny: 소금이는 지금 세수에 열중.
(Sogeum is focused on washing her face right now.)

Sunny: 출근합니다.
(Getting ready to go to work.)

Sunny: 출근 준비.
(I’m going to work.)

Sunny: 우리는 fm데이트에서 만납니다.
(We will meet on “FM Date”.)

Sunny: 사랑합니까?
(Do you love me?)

Sunny: 나두
(Me too)

Sunny: Love all SONE <3

Sunny: 사랑해
(Love you)

Sunny: 사랑한다고!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I said that I love you!!!!!!!!!!)

Sunny: 이따봥
(See you later)

Sources: Sunny’s Instagram, SNSDTV
Translated by: SonexStella@soshified
Edited by: moonrise31@soshified

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